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NUL Season 52 / Re: MD4
Last post by atte1979 - February 25, 2024, 10:23:50 PM
One of the most brutal and bloodiest matches of this round was played tonight as The Orks faced off against their scary bigger cousins, the Black Orcs.

The traditional Orc scout report states the following:
"The Orks 'ad to go out in a freezin' blizzard to play against dem 'uge Black'orcs. Da field was frozen an' no'one dared'ta run proper fast az dey 'ad to watch deir steps. Dem Black'orcs 'ad a bleedin' troll wi'dem, 'e was 'UGE!

The Orks kicked'da ball to dem Black'orcs first and stood strong in da line to 'old 'em off. Da BLack'orcs slammed against da green wall wi'all deir mite allowin' da quik blitzers to blitz da gits 'round da sides an' get da ball. After a promisin' ski'mish an' desperate chasin' by da gits The Orks scored at da 'end of da 'alf making da score 1-0.

At da start of da second 'alf The Orks were down four players, playin' wid' eight players against almost a full BLack'orc team. Da weader was still a freezin' blizzard when da Black'orcs kicked da ball to da oder side of da field. Now it was The Orks' turn to slam against da 'uge, foul smellin' blak an' green wall but dey almost didn't feel the pushes an' shoves of their little, distant cousins.

Den out of no'were da git Skarsnik of The Orks dashed to da line wi'da ball an' chucked it to the blitzer Dvorak who made a dash up da left flank. Wi'da assistance of 'is team mates' screenin' and markin' only two gits got through to blitz Dvorak down an' claim da ball but were quikly forced'ta giv'it up az dey were unda'powered against two blitzers. Az da gits desperately tried'ta pick up da ball an' run away wi'it dey accidentally bounced it right'in to da arms of Dvorak once again. Wid'a bit of violence The Orks were once again on da go towards da goal.

Wid' no more threats to da ball Dvorak 'ad time to just wait at da goal line an' walk da goal in just before da final whistle: 2-0 for The Orks."

In a post match interview with The Orks' head coach he spoke of the brutal match:
"A great match, lot of violence an' bloodshed! Da price of winnin' was great too az we now 'ave only two Big'Uns for'da next match. But great match, very great. Lot of violence! And bloodshed!"

Papa Jaiseri, thank you for a great match. It was just as fun as it was brutal.
Best of luck in the future.
NUL Season 52 / Re: MD4
Last post by Lars - February 25, 2024, 06:14:25 PM
So match between chaos and dwarfs was played it ended up as a pretty close one where the chaos was stronk in the first drive when the dwarfs tried to move the ball but failed hard but at least hindered the chaos from scoring.
The second was a bit reversed with blitz on kickoff and some failed pickup allowed for a dwarf push. The chaos ran out of RR and that caused some early turn overs which allowed the dwarfs to score in last round securing a 1-0 win.

well played Bantha and good luck in the future.

NUL Season 52 / MD4
Last post by Mr B - February 24, 2024, 04:11:57 PM
New round new games!

Lazer, when can you make it?
NUL Season 52 / Re: MD3
Last post by hakos - February 24, 2024, 11:40:55 AM
Final game of MD3 has been played.

First half the renegades was on the offensive but an early almost dead Minotaur and another big guy KOed soon after made it possible for the humans to take over the ball and score in turn 7.

Second half humans attacked, but soon the poor runner was alone and surrounded by renegades itching for some heavy punching. In a masterful display of agility the desperate catcher managed to dodge his way into a 2-0 lead for the humans with 4 turns left on the clock.

In the third offensive of the game the heavy hitters really got going and the human team were more lying down than standing up. However, the ball was kicked deeped into the enemy half so in turn 16 it looked like the renegades were one square short of reaching the touchdown zone. But brilliant logistics from Gnaarkill saw the Orc being psuhed one square closer to the end zone so that he could score after some heavy running.

Tough start for Gnaarkill but in the end it sort of evened out and it sure was a fun game.

NUL Season 52 / Re: MD3
Last post by Gnaarkill - February 22, 2024, 04:43:08 PM
Quote from: hakos on February 20, 2024, 07:44:18 PMSaturday, 10, would be perfect for me /hakos

Cool, for me aswell! :)

See you on saturday, buddy!

NUL Season 52 / Re: MD3
Last post by hakos - February 20, 2024, 07:44:18 PM
Quote from: Gnaarkill on February 19, 2024, 11:14:49 AMHey Hakos!

New week, new opportunities :D

My OK starting times are:

Monday (today): 20 - 21
Tuesday: 21
Wednesday: 20 - 21
Thursday: 20 - 21
Friday: No go
Saturday: 09 - 10
Sunday: 09 - 10 or 20 - 21


Saturday, 10, would be perfect for me /hakos
NUL Season 52 / Re: MD3
Last post by Gnaarkill - February 19, 2024, 11:14:49 AM
Hey Hakos!

New week, new opportunities :D

My OK starting times are:

Monday (today): 20 - 21
Tuesday: 21
Wednesday: 20 - 21
Thursday: 20 - 21
Friday: No go
Saturday: 09 - 10
Sunday: 09 - 10 or 20 - 21

NUL Season 52 / Re: MD3
Last post by Memofin - February 17, 2024, 12:40:36 PM
Game between Elfs and dwarfes was a close one.
Dwarfs get to attack first, but elfs managed to denied that score. Second half started 0-0 and my elves was pushed to score early.
 Elfs managed to steal ball and game seemed to go to elfs 1-0, but Lazer managed to get that ball back. Final turn and my witch elf failed to get 2+ dodge and dwarven runner was free to score. So 1-1 after intense game.
GG Lazer it was a close one. Good luck in the rest of the season. :)
NUL Season 52 / Re: MD3
Last post by atte1979 - February 15, 2024, 08:56:17 PM
The Orks nearly got mangled by da stiffs in what was suppos'da be an interesting match. In da first 'alf The Orks defended againsta da stiffs wid'an elf screen tactic of five screens of two playas across da field and nearly 'eld it together until da very end when a dirty ghoul runna broke free from da side to score when The Orks forgot to put da fifth screen in position leaving da flank wide'open.

In da second'alf The Orks went on the offense tryin' to equalize da match by runnin' da ball up da laft flank, but da stiffs 'eld them fast to da sideline and blitzed da ball carrier causin' da ball to bounce off da pitch and da audience threw it back in to the other side of da field, where a sneaky ghoul runna picked it up. The Orks got three players on da ghoul tryin'to knock it down but da slippery bastard wouldn't go down. Instead 'e dodged away from The Orks playas many times and ran towards the other end but eventually 'e got tripped and The Orks picked da ball up an' ran it in to equalize in the last moments of da match.

Final score 1-1.

The Orks's star blitzer Sokur 'Weakling' said in a post match interview:
"Coach Atte said to stay put on defense and wait for da stiffs to make mistake. We didn't undastand why, but Coach Atte said 'ed bite all our big toes off if we didn't do what 'e said. Coach Atte is very, very scary so we did wat 'e said.
Then on the last turn da stiffs got da goal. An' now Dushra 'The madman' only 'as nine toes. 'Es a scary man..."

NUL Season 52 / Re: MD3
Last post by hakos - February 15, 2024, 08:53:57 PM
Quote from: Gnaarkill on February 12, 2024, 11:33:38 AMYo Hakos!

Thursday or Friday is good options for me.
Maybe Thursday @20?


Sorry, but this week sort of disappeared for me. Sunday daytime could be doable, otherwise it is next week /hakos