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Messages - J-Reedy

From down south they came, the sons of the desert, those who were once forgotten and whom sand had already covered. Those who once with glee and joy played the noblest of all games that was abandonded for centuries. Those who then rose again from the sands when the game of the champions was once again discovered. Those who were once called Khemri and now Staffans Hooligang.
And they traveled to visit those whose beauty the whole world admired. Those who used to dwell in the jungles but who now roam in the fields where the noblest of all games is played. Those who dazzle with both their smiles and skills in the game of the champions. Those who will some day be beasts without rivals but who for now are called Cougar Kittens.
And so it was that the Kittens were the first to defend and so they kicked the ball to those who once were kings of their lands but who now rule the field of Blood Bowl. While the ball flew, the striped one they call the referee got it from the crowd but the one who got the ball was the called Amunis Khopis.
Then the lines of players clashed and fists struck chests, elbows found ribs and shoulders hit together. And the clash was gigantic but only a few were to fall. And the players of the noblest of all games were pushed around but nobody was harmed. And so it went for a while but then the heavens erupted.
And down came fire and brimstone, striking down three sons of the south. What the ball struck was the ground where it was to come to lay. And behold, then there came one of the Kittens they called Marcia Bree who was trusted to guard the ball from the Hooligang. But soon she too struck the ground and she came to lay next to the ball. And so Amunis Khopis was free to rise and take the ball again.
This was the time where the Kittens were in distress with half of their line struck down. But she whom they call Maria would inspire them with a fierce blow. A blow that hurt Nefmat Senut of the once-kings so badly that he was carried from the field of champions. Thus were the jungle women inspired, and Lana Kreuk would strike like a blitz and lightning, and her fist would find Amunis Khopis and he would be knocked down. And again the ball struck the ground and came to lay still. But now there were three of the Kittens to lay vigil on the ball. But then would come those that desert winds once warmed and push the Kittens away from the ball. Then in turn those who jungle cats call friends, would push back and come once again to lay vigil onthe ball.
And so it went for time and time again and it seemed there would be no champion who could win the ball. But the crowds roared when the champion was found. An he was the who once was flesh, skin and blood but who now shows only his bones, the one with the name of Ptahtra Ahasht, the one who would foul and strike Lana Kreuk lying prone on the field.
And she went lifeless and her last breath was seen to leave her body. But it would not be. For it was that the one with skills in the arts of healing would catch her last breath and gently guide it back to her body and she would breathe again and return to play the game of champions.
So the game of blood and fury went, with both sides now thin on players but strong on will. And for a moment it looked that the one with the strongest of wills was Marcia Bree who like a blitzing storm laid a fierce blow on Nesheb of Imhef. And from this blow Neshed would finally find peace. For his bones crumbled to dust and he flew with the wind back to the land of desert. And as his bones struck the ground, they fell on the ball which took a bounce. And behold, there would be Cameron to catch the ball.
But then came he with truly the strongest of wills. He whom the desert once feared and who now strikes fear to hearts of his opponents. The one who had already known the ball and would call it his friend. And he was Amunis Khopis. He sent the guardian of tombs to strike down Cameron and then, so swear all who saw it, he flew to the ball, bend down and and took the ball in his arms. And when he came up he saw Hephis Pahco and with a mighty heave, flung the ball to him. And so true was the pass that there was no chance for falselyhood and the catch was true.
The crowds gave out such a mighty roar that they say it was heard all the way in the deserts of Khemri. And there would be rejoicing for the sons of Khemri had scored. And after the festivity calmed down they still clashed once but then they would let it be, for they saw that time would now be halfed.

Both the sons and daughters rested and gathered strength. And then they returned. To the field they marched once again, onto the grass now stained with blood and sweat. And then the ball flew, but if fell short. And the leader of the Kittens looked who would be worthy to carry the ball. He looked hard into the hearts of the warrior women to see who had the most fire in her and lightning bolts on her feet. And he saw that it was Lana Kreuk.
Again the lines clashed together and as they both now knew each other, there would be no mercy. So fierce was the first blow of the Kittens' that down went a tomb guardian and the whole line of skeletons was knocked off their feet. But the sons of the sun would strike back. And mighty would be their blows. And the one to suffer the brunt of them was to be Anne who was hurt badly. And they would carry her out and she would not return.
While the lines had crashed together Lana Kreuk had run, lying with her feet that she favoured left. But after the clash subdued, she sprinted through the middle and showed that it truly was right that would be her love. And it seemed that she was free as a bird when she ran but then the Hooligang line clashed with the Kittens once again and Teri Susan and Scarlett were knocked out. So opened a lane for the once deads and Lana was caught by a tomb guardian and a skeleton who would guard her closely. She tried to blitz like a lightning and storm but she had no heart for it and she did not get free. For her heart was in running and dodging and that would set her free and that se did. But as she freed herself, she was followed by Mathit the Everlastin, once the guardian of tombs, now the guardian of the goal line. He struck, pushed her back and the crowd gasped, as Lana was about to fall to their grasp. It seemed that even the time itself stopped to see when Mathit the mighty prepared to strike the final blow. And then his fists came down, flying through the air and looking to lay judgement on Lana.
But the judgement day was not to come. For she blocked the blow and sent Mathit flying down to the ground. And then flew Lana with her feet as wings to the goal. And there would be cheers and glory waiting, as the Kittens tied to the score in the noblest game of the champions.

Third time would come to kick the ball and so it was. When the ball landed so did the blows of the Khemri, sons of desert and sun. But the sun was setting down to rest and desert was far. Down went a Hooligang hero and the Kittens stormed forward. Like a swarm of jungle bees and as fast as forest cats they flew to guard the ball and keep those who once breathed away. But it would not be.
For from the lines of khemri Luxro Imhef broke free, ran to the ball and gave it safe haven in his boney arms. And it seemed that the game would end with neither of the sides succeeding to score. But so it would not be.
For there was one with fire in her heart, doom in her fists, steel in her hands, lightning in her feet and fury in her eyes. Lana Kreuk blitzed and Luxro fell. And so mighty was the speed of her strike, that as Lana flew for the goal, Luxro was carried out with ankle so twisted and bend. But this Lana would not see for she only had eyes for the line chalked to the ground. The line that would make her the true heroine of the game. And that line she crossed. And then they cheered.

Back down south they went, the sons of the desert, those who were once forgotten and whom sand had already covered. Those who once with glee and joy played the noblest of all games that was abandonded for centuries. Those who then rose again from the sands when the game of the champions was once again discovered. Those who were once called Khemri and now Staffans Hooligang. Those who had fought nobly but had not availed.
For they traveled to visit those whose beauty the whole world admired. Those who used to dwell in the jungles but who now roam in the fields where the noblest of all games is played. Those who dazzle with both their smiles and skills in the game of the champions. Those who will some day be beasts without rivals but who for now are called Cougar Kittens. Those who had won.


Went for the epic feel with this match report as the game really was decided because of the epicly bad dice day of Staffan. During the first half the dice day seemed quite fair and the game was tight. I thought I had Staffan's attack halted but then Staffan managed to score on the final turn with an extremely elegant blitz and passing play. In the second half the epicly bad dice luck struck and Staffan rolled double skulls three or four times and also double both downs with a blockless tomb guardian in situation where push back would've sent my ball carrier flying to the stands. Another sign of a bad dice day were the three casualties I scored, as all the regeneration rolls failed in those (one being the death of a blodge skeleton). Score 2-1 and casualties 3-2 for the Kittens.

NUL Season 4! / Re: Season 4 Match 5 - Valhalla Cup
October 23, 2011, 06:48:05 PM
Quote from: staffan on October 23, 2011, 02:37:49 PM
J-reedy , I can play tonight (sunday) from Swedish time- 20.30 !

Otherwise monday might work around the same time !


Can't make it today, but on monday I should be free sometime after 20.30.  Shall we say monday 21 Swedish at the latest? I'll try to get there as early as possible.

- Welcome ya friends and patrons of the Blood Sports Spotlight magicast - the best place to get your weekly dosage of Norsca Union League. I'm Gron Grumbundy! Today we're going to take a look at the results from the week 4 and speculate how games of the final week might affect the playoffs. And we also have a guest here in studio! To celebrate the impending playoffs, we are joined by none other than the three-time playoffs MVP, the trusty troll guardian from the Slateheads' line-of-scrimmage, let's give a big hand to GROCK!
- Quite right, quite right Grock. Now, they say that playoffs are the hardest  games out there, do you share that opinion?
- Okey, so it seems we're better move into Ull's Pasture games... Eerrr, let's start with the game between the orc Lotsa Stompin' and necromantic Necro Norvegicus. The necros went into this game quite seriously underhanded but managed make the game tight and they even inflected some serious hurt on the orc team with 2 casualties and one of those two casualties left the orc blitzer Kool Zlab with a smashed collar b...
- Some might argue with that statement considering the massive amount armour and muscle that orcs possess, but being wise I must concur with you Grock. slabs are not tough. As to the result of the match, it was 1-0 victory for the orcs who advanced the ball nicely both by running and throwing.
- Yes, thank you Grock. The relative small amount of spectators meant that Necro Norvegicus didn't manage to get enough income for any new positional reinforecements, so they'll still have to rely on freebooters in their next match. Onwards to the next match or should I say a blood bath! I'm of course referring to the game between the lizardly Den of Dragons versus high elven Virgins No More. Tell me Grock, which on the teams do you think won the casualties 5-2 in this match and managed to kill two opposing players?
- ... Ok, well I'll tell you that surprisingly the more violent team was Virgins No More. They were helped out by crowd, who rocked couple of the lizards out.
- And that the crowd indeed did, as they got one of the Dragons' sauruses out the game. Don't know if they got candy. But the Virgins No More sure took advantage of the Dragons' unfortunate and scored a convincing 1-5 win. One of the casualties they suffered was serious enough that they'll miss one of their linemen in the next game but they'll still get a full team out there. Den of Dragons on the other hand are seriously under-lizarded with 2 sauruses and 1 skink out from the next game. Tough season got tougher still for the Dragons, I swear this team must be cursed.
- Mothers tend to be like that. Just like mummies, which brings us to our third Ull's Pasture game between the undead Last Steps and dark elven Roma Victoricus. We have no results from this match as the elven team have been quaranteened because of health issues. No word about the rumours that this might have something to do with their pre-game seremonies which are known to be quite bloody and dark, as is the nature of the darker elven folk. Anyways, as the results of the match is not yet determined, the outlook for the final round is still unclead. A point would be enought for the Last Steps to get them the tied second position in Ull's with the Lotsa Stompin'. And as one of the games in the Ull's final week of the regular season is between these two teams, we have some exiting days ahead of us. Virgins No More have already guaranteed themselves a playoff spot, so they can go into their final match against Roma Victorious just to hone their skills. The third match between the Necro Norvegicus and Den of Dragons will be a duel of two seriously hurt teams and there should be plenty of honour riding in this one. Any intelligent thoughts on these games Grock?
- As I thought, so I'll just throw in a short recap of the Ull's Pastures' situation. Virgins No More will advance to play for the spot in the Valhalla Cup and they will be joined either by the Last Steps or Lotsa Stompin' as  decided by the result of the match between these teams. Both the orcs and undeads have proven to be serious contenders and have gained experience nicely. Undead will have bashing power but the orcs have the armour to resist the bashing so this could be a match where ball-handling skills come into play. Neither team has the advantage of quality but the orcs have the advantage in quantity as the undead zombies are notoriusly clumsy with the ball. The necros versus lizard match would seem to be a bit easier for the necros as they don't have the usual number of sauruses to deal with. But the number of freebooters in this matchup may make this game very unpredictable, as the freebooters have not had enought time to train with the team and they probably won't know all the coaches' signals. The third match will be between the elven teams. post-virgins have developed more talent but the dark-ones have more natural hitting power. Lots will depend on the durability of the players armours.
- Words of wisdom finally there Grock. OK, let's move into Valhalla Cup to see which two teams will probably battle for the championship and which two will have to fight it out with the teams from the Ull's Pasture. I must say that the race for the top spots seems to be almost over, as both the NattBowlarna and Jungle_Boogie defeated their opponents 2-0. The undeads trashed the trashy amazonian team of Cougar Kittens very convincingly without even braking much of sweat. What they did brake, were spines and skulls of the amazons as they won the casualties 3-0 and crowd helped them with two other casualties. Of course, I'm not sure if the undead even sweat? Maybe if the necromancer moves them fast between the warm and cool places...
- Ummm yes, sorry about that Grock, we seem to have forgotten to drop the temperature after our last guest, the beautifull, voluptuous, talented, charming, firm, bouncy.... Yeeeeeesss... AHEM. Yes, could you adjust the heat down a bit boys? Right, where were we? Yes, the other veteran team Jungle_Boogie defeated the human team Other Brothers. The Brothers won the casualties 2-3 but that didn't help them and it seems that the Brothers are surely heading for the playouts with the Ull's Pasture teams. The third match in the Valhalla Cup's fourth week was a violent affair between the khemri Staffans Hooligang and the skaven Flying Boom Bats BK. All of the violence came from the Hooligang who won the casualties 5-0 and knocked out a total of eight rats during the game! It was however reported that the skavens made the game tight and only lost 2-1.
- Right you are Grock. Anyways, as to the playoffs picture, NattBowlarna and Jungle_Boogie share the lead with 8 points. The Staffans Hooligang are at 6 points and Cougar Kittens at 7 points and will play against each other. Only a victory will do for these two teams if they dare to dream about playoffs but the spot in the glory games is out of their own hands. They'll have hope that either the Boom Bats manage to upset the Jungle_Boogie or the Other Brothers put a dent on NattBowlarna's near flawless season. So they will most probably just play for the glory and the title of the mid-tier teams, but there is of course some extra tension between the Kittens and Hooligang as the Kittens managed to kill one of Hooligang's tomb guardians permanently last season, so the match might prove to be interesting.
- Yes, my, that comment actually fit this situation. Ok, so the playoff and playout pictures seems quite settled in Valhalla cup, so all we have to do is wait for the games to play out and we'll be with you next week with the final recap of the regular season and maybe a sneak peak into playoffy games. Hopefully we'll even have some more intellectially inclined co-commentator here.
- .... Yes, that's it for this week. I've been Gron Grumbundy. Have a week!
- Don't like the look of this crowd Weepy.
- Whatcha mean coach, looks like a good turnout to me?
- Yeah, but there's too little leering or catcalls for such a big crowd even though our garls are out there doing their stretching. They're the Cougar Kittens for god's sake, the sexiest team to play the game god dammed. There should've been at least two calls for doctor to come fix popped out eyballs by now...
- Gee, ya right boss! I didn't notice that, guess that's why ya're the big honcho and I'm just a waterboy. But why are they so quiet?
- Well, that's NattBowlarna we're playing today - the best and the meanest undead team out there. They have a hell of a lot of fans and I'm guessing that hell has an off-day today. There are more zombies in the stands than behind an average McDeaths' counter.
- Dont'cha worry coach! They can't hurt us from the stands! There' goes the whistle!
- What was that you we're saying Weepy?
- Where did that rock come from?! Scavo is stunned, she's out cold!
- Probably that big mummy in the middle of the section B, row 6, only one strong enough for that kind of throw... Oh bugger, there he goes...
- Who? What! What happened to Courteney?
- CALL THE MEDIC! One of those new temps we got for the game! It was that bastard Simon Stenrumpa, fouled the poor girl so hard she's gone out cold!
- Boss, boss! That new apotechary tried to kill Courteney! Luckily Hugh got there in time, but he says Courteney will probably lose some of her strength permanently!
- Great... And now that buggerin ghoul has the ball, should've kicked it further. There he goes, if Cameron can just take Kling down now...
- She did! Oh...
- Yep, no help if she goes down too. Stunned herself. And there's another stun. And another.
- Little Jimbo didn't manage stun Teri!
- No... BECAUSE SHE WAS KNOCKED OUT! And there's the handoff, just as expected. How are we supposed to get the ball away from that wight? Can't see from here. Do you see which one of the wights it is Weepy? not the one that has the leg muscles of an elephant sewn in to replace his biceps?
- Ya' right boss! That's Molle Stålvass, it's really easy to tell him apart because his arms are thicker than his thighs!
- Bony bastard. Oh for christ sake!
- They threw Zara to the stands! To the B section! What's happening?
- That buggering mummy again, I swear he must've been planted there...
- Coach, coach! Hugh says that Zara has a broken neck! No chance to him to try to fix her up, she won't let anybody but her personal physician touch her! She's out of the game! What will we do?
- Well, for now we'll try to get Scavo up and running. Lil' Jimbo just knocked her out. Oh, and tell Hugh not to waste time on up Christina, looks like Pebblebasher only managed to hurt her badly, she should be OK for next match. And prepare to kick-off the ball again.
- Why? Oh, Molle scored...
- Was to be expected, girls just don't seem to be able stay on the field today. Ok, how many can we get out there Weepy?
- 10 sir! And less than half a half to go!
- Buggering bugger. OK, here's the plan Jennifer Cameron picks up the ball and we cage it at the middle field. If we don't get a chance for score right away, we just keep the ball close to sidelines and out of reach of bowlers. OK women, off you go and do me proud!
- Good pep talk general! Look, they're doing just as you told!
- But there goes Lana down, she was only one close enough for score. OK, time to play time. They need a bit of of luck to get the ball out now.
- Look, it's Molle again! He pushed Jennifer Cameron to the stands with the ball!
- Where did the ball go! Who's got the ball?
- There it is coach! Landed just next to that zombie deep in their half! No worries no boss, he'll never get it up!
- Rotten corpse got it up, can't believe it!
- Don't worry boss, he'll never manage an accurate pass!
- That's a perfect throw right there...
- Dont'cha worry boss the ghoull will...
- Look, he fumbled the catch! Just as I said coach, no worries!
- There goes the whistle. OK, Weepy, you hold the fort for the break now, I have some business to attend to.
- Sure thing Coach!

- Coach, coach! Where are you! They already kicked the ball to us! Oh there you are coach. Are you OK? You look a bit tired.
- No problems Weepy. Here. Take these. Tell the girls that we got some extra soft toilet paper to use as a generous gift from the crowd.
- Toilet paper? But these look like linen wrappings. And they look like they're used. And old. And this one has some funny looking hieroglyphs or something.
- Just do as I told. That's toilet paper now. And we shouldn't have to worry about any rocks no more. What's happening Weepy?
- We got a full team out there coach! And J-C caught the ball straight from the kick-off! She's now running the left middle route as you like it!
- Ok, looks good. Buggering bugger. Who was that?
- Lana sir! Looks like she is knocked out!
- They're starting the trashing again. Ok, Weepy, go pull up that red flag I gave you to that post.
- How high sir?
- As high as you can get it.
- Sure sir! It's up there, just don't know how that'll help us. GEESUS WHISKERS! What was that?
- Oh, looked like a fireball. Must've had a volcanic explosion out there somewhere. But don't worry Weepy, it just took down those two undeads. J-C should be able to squeeze through that hole now!
- Right ya're boss. She did! And there's Teri Susan to cover her and Eve Gabrielle. Just need Anna to make that dodge and we'll have a tight cage around her! No worries now boss!
- Shut up Weepy.
- It's not my fault she stumbled! And there's no reason to worry boss! They'll never get J-C down!
- Shut up Weepy.
- Nothing to worry boss! J-C wasn't hurt and they didn't get the ball! It's laying next to Molle the wight and Pebblebasher the ghoul! Teri Susan can take one of them down for sure! No worries.
- Can't understand, she never ever fails her dodges, there wasn't even a tackler out there.
- And now they make a double play, great... Well, at least the ref spotted that foul.
- Double play? What! Coach, coach! Both J-C and Eve Gabrielle were hurt seriously! Hugh says Eve will get a niggler if he doesn't do anything.
- Yep, have him fix her up. Did they get the ball up?
- Ponu the Greedy got it coach! The ghoul! He's gunning for the middle! But don't worry, Marcie Bree's there to cut him off. No worries!
- Please don't say that Weepy...
- They managed to get her down somehow. But don't you worry boss, they're making a handoff now and everybody knows that zombies are not agile enough for an effective ball handling coach!
- That's a ghoul handing of to wight Weepy. I'm off, I'll be back after we've kicked off, tell the gals to practise some passing play.
- You're off boss? But the play is still on coach! We still have a... Oh, they scored now.

- Coach, coach! Where are you? Come here! Did you see that? That zombie Stan Stumpen got stunned by a rock from the crowds! That was a beautifull shot!
- Yep, just like in the old days when I pitched for... Oh, tell Hugh to come here and have a look at my elbow, I think I must've overstrained it. Are the girls passing the ball?
- Sure are, Eve Gabrielle just threw a beauty to Maria. But I don't see if there's any point in this coach?
- There's a point in every pass Weepy, you would do well to remember that. OK, it should be over now.
- Right you are coach, there goes the whistle! Sorry that we lost boss, but don't ya worry! We'll still have a chance for playoffs! Just need either the NattBowlarna or Jungle_Boogie to tie a game and....

And here are the coaches... well not that coach up there but the... well basically I am coaching... getting paranoid here... OK, so here are the gamer's comments:
Even game with the dice, neither side made any big errors and that usually means that the better team wins. So it was 2-0 victory for the NattBowlarna against Cougar Kittens. Flawless game from Mr B., congratulations. I'll just have to trust that the third time we play will be the charm for me:)

NUL Season 4! / Re: Season 4 Match 5 - Valhalla Cup
October 14, 2011, 09:37:45 PM
Staffan, I noted that you'll be away until the 23rd, let me know when you'll get back and we'll see if we are to be playing for the playoff spot or just for glory.
NUL Season 4! / Season 4 Match 5 - Valhalla Cup
October 14, 2011, 09:35:50 PM
New week and final matches are ready to be played:

NattBowlarna and Jungle_Boogie share the lead with 8 points, Cougar Kittens are third with 7 points and Staffans Hooligang fourth with 6 points. So Hooligang and Kittens are rooting for Other Brothers and Flying Boom Bats BK to rob some points from the top teams! Go Boom Bats! Hakkaa päälle Other Brothers!

- Welcome ya all once again to Blood Sports Spotlight magicast - the best place to get information about Norsca Union League or NUL, as we like to call this magnificant league! I'm Gron Grumbundy and today I'm joined by a guest representing the fairer side of blood bowl. In my opinion too little attention is been given to those lovely women who lead the crowd chants and inspire players to magnificant feats, the cheerleaders! That's why we've asked the cheerleader of the year, elected by players and popular vote, to join us and give us the feminine perspective of the game. Welcome to the show, Brandy Hooters... sorry Brandy Hoosterson!
- Why thank you Gron! It's just fancy nice being here today, I'm sure we'll have a nice time because I just loooove blood bowl and talking about it!
- You're really welcome Brandy. And don't be afraid to sit closer if you get cold, I know that this studio can be a bit cold sometimes. OK, let's get down to business!
- You mean right now Gron? I thought we were going to talk about NUL first before doing the hank...
- YES BRANDY! Right now we shall get down to BUSINESS OF TALKING ABOUT NUL! Ahem, yes, let's see what's first on the breas... board. Yes, I think we should start from the top and head on down...
- You know, normally guys want me to go down first, but whatever you say Gron!
- ....yes... Onwards! About Valhalla Cup. There were some games played. In the Valhalla Cup... Before we continue, I just have to know this Brandy... That's quite a nice blouse you got there, but isn't it a bit tight and how in heavens can those buttons hold up?
- Oh Thanks Gron! You know, I got this from my fan club, I really like it, only problem is that it goes all see-through when I get sweaty so I can't use it anywhere hot. But...
- You know, the buttons were bit of the problem at first, I used to loose a lot of them when I inhaled, but then that nice student of wizardy mr. Putter fixed those with an enchantment. He's a real swell guy also, I met him at Cougar Kittens' match last year, he really likes that team and spends a lot of time with them but somehow he also found time to help me when my blouse once again popped during the pre-match cheering session.
- I bet he did... Ahem, yes. Let's get on with the business... of talking about NUL that is. Let's start with the amazonian Cougar Kittens as you brought them up. They beat the human team Other Brothers 2-0 in an exciting match that reported to be a lot closer than the numbers suggest. It's just that the Other Brothers had too many injuries going into match and they simply got out-womaned in the end. Maybe we should mention that the Kittens' Lana Kreuk scored an interception in the garbage time, quite a rare feat. The Other Brothers seem to have trouble keeping their fourth blitzer on the field. Their two previous fourth ranked blitzers have been... shall we say disposed of in previous game and their replacement Veli Punapaita also got hurt early in this game was forced to sit out the game. Any oppinions about this game Brandy?
- You know, it's really funny but somehow it's not the same to cheer in games where there are amazon teams playing. The crowds just don't seem to be able to concentrate in those games. They keep on following the game and the players and really pay less attention to us cheerleaders. I don't know why that is but that's not very nice in my opinion.
- Ohkay... Yes in that case you probably won't be interested in the second match we'll talk about, namely the clash of khemri Staffans Hooligang versus amazonian Jungle_Boogie. The amazon teams had identical results as Jungle_Boogie also got a two-nil victory. The Khemris had hard day with handling the ball, they only managed to get 8 yards of running. Surprisingly the undeads also lost the casualties, 2 for Hooligang and 4 for the amazons. How about this match, any special insights Brandy?
- You know, I just looooove undead teams! Those necromancer coaches just seem so powerful and mystic! I always try to sign up for undead teams matches when there's a chance! This week I was scheduled to cheer for the Nightbowlarna but then they had to cancel the match so I was reassigned to Ull's Pasture game...
- Yes, let's go ahead and talk about the Ull's Pasture just a minute but before that, I understand you were going to travel to Nattbowlarna stadium on the same portal trip with the skaven Flying Boom Bats BK. Do you have any idea why the trip had to be canceled and the league was force to rule the Nattbowlarna versus Boom Bats match a 1-1 tie?
- You know, I really don't have a clue! This was the first time I was going to travel by the portals, normally I fly with the Drake Air or take a coach but now our cheering team was running late so they decided we could portal out with that rat team. It was raining that day and I don't like the smell of wet fur and I was a bit nervous about traveling through a portal, so when we got to the portal temple I went to the portal operator's room to see how it all worked and also to get away those smelly skaven folks. They were really nice to be but when I got back to the portal they just said that all the portals had fizzled and they would need at least a day to get them working again!
- I see... I remember hearing that the portal operators are wizards who keep the portals up by their willpower and forceful distractions can sometimes break the portal links that take days to link up. You wouldn't happened to have worn that same blouse... COULD WE GET TEMPERATURE UP, IT'S STILL QUITE CHILLY IN HERE... worn that same blouse that day Brandy?
- You know I think I did! But only when we got there. It was raining like really hard that day and I was really soaked when we got to the temple and I had to change my clothes. The operators were really nice and let me do it there so I didn't have to go to the loo to do it. I really hate the loos in public places. Don't you think they're nasty?
- Yes indeed. And seems we might have an answer to the mystery of the 1-1 game. OK, let's move on to Ull's Pasture recap and let's start with the match where you were cheering. That would be the all undead affair Necro Norvegicus against Last Steps. 0-2 victory for the Last Steps but the real news is the 0-5 casualty score for the Last Steps and the 2 deaths that the Necro Norvegicus suffered. Ramtu the First and Steffan the Tyrant scored the kills. You were there Brandy, any idea what happened and why the Norvegicus necromancer failed to regenerate the two players?
- You know I was really down when the Nattbowlarna match got canceled. But then I heard that we would go on this match I got really really excited! Two undead teams! That meant two necromancers! It was really good game! The crowd was really concentrated and kept following all of our cheers! I was really happy and then I even got to talking with that really nice and handsom and mysterious necromancer coach of the Necro Norvegivus and he let me into their dugout but it was really small and the benches were really hard but the necromancer was so nice that he let me sit on his lap so I wouldn't get chilly on those nasty stone benches! I was so happy and I think this was the best game of the season so far!
- And you naturally wore that same blouse and were a bit out-of-breath...your chest heaving up and down rythmically just like now...ahem... so out-of-breath and sweaty from all that cheering in that same blouse I assume?
- You know you're really smart Gron! That's just what happened, I was so tired because I was cheering so hard that that's why I went to ask the Norvegicus team if I could rest my feet!
- Yes yes, seems you're really a gal that gets around and gets things moving Brandy! The second match in Ull's Pasture that we have a result on is the game where Lotsa Stompin' hosted Virgins No More. Orcs versus high elfs that is. Tight game by all accounts and a real crowd favourite. The Virgins No More edged out a 1-2 win but lost their catcher Tathron for the next game. Lotsa Stompin' are really showing us some nice aerial game, they managed to get 3 receptions when the helfs only got 1! The difference is of course that the high elfs' one throw raked up more yards than the orcs three passes combined.
- You know, I really don't know why the orcs always go with the green. I'm all for body-painting but I think green is so unflattering on anyone. You know Gron, I'm getting a bit hot here, I think the heat is fine now.
- YOU HEARD THE LADY, THE HEAT IS FINE, DO NOT GO NOT ADJUSTING IT UP SO THAT SHE GETS ALL SWEATY AND SEE-THROUGH IN THAT BLOUSE! YES, THAT'S A DOUBLE NEGATIVE, JUST TO MAKE SURE YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO! Yes, quite an insight there into the orcs. The green thing might have something to with the tradition and genetics but let us not bother us with that. The third match in Ull's Pasture is in limbo at the moment and we don't know the results until our reporter from the 17th dimensions gets back. So let's move on and take look at the week 4 matchups. Ull's Pasture first. The games will be Last Steps versus Roma Victorius, Den of Dragons against Virgins No More and finally Lotsa Stompin' hosting Necro Norvegicus. Where would you like to start Brandy?
- You know, I think that Necro Norvegicus' necromances is just dreamy! Let's talk about him. He has these really tight and round...
- AHEM, well yes, let's take a closer look at the orcs versus necromantics then. Lotsa Stompin' are still fighting for the top spots in the division and as they have their last match against the current second place holder Last Steps, the orcs will probably go all out in this match to get a win. Their blitzer Brokk Angrytoof is bound to give a lot trouble for the necro ballcarriers. The necromantic team really suffered from the loss of their two positional players and will have to go freebooting in this game, so it'll be tough one for the Necro Norvegicus. But they did just capture... I mean sign their second werewolf Wenche Flesh and I'm hearing rumours that there might be even some magical things happening in this game and this could be really tight game and I wouldn't go betting on this game even if my life depended on it.
- You know, the Norvegicus head coach is like really nice also and he got me dugout-tickets to go to this match so I could report the game for you next week! I may even get to draw up some plays!
- ... In conclusion, my advice to all you gamlers out there, bet heavily on the Lotsa Stompin'! As mentioned, the second match of the week will be the lizardly Den of Dragons against the current top team Virgins No More. Dragons should get their power players Thin Lizzie and Scarzzz back into their lineup and Virgins will have to rely on one freebooter, so the match seems pretty even. Lot will depend on the dodging talents of the high elfs and on the stuntiness of the skinks. If the Virgins No More manage to get the ball over or through the Sauruses, I don't see the skinks giving them much trouble in defence. On offence the roles will of course be reversed and skinks can get some surpsiringly dangerous running combos going. Bound to be an exciting match!
- You know, I think that I know the Virgins No More team, I think they were in the same season ending party last year as our cheering team! But I think they had different name back then, don't know why they changed it.... But they were really nice and handsome and we had really fun!
- ...another mystery regarding the high elf team's name solved, it seems... Yes, the last match in Ull's Pasture in week 4 will feature the undead Last Steps and the dark elven Roma Victorius. Hard to tell about this game with last week's results still being limboed but the Last Steps are quickly developing into quite a fearsome force. And as they also a got a surprise reinforcement from the Necro Norvegicus match in the form of the new skeleton player Edward Munch the Screamer, they'll have plenty of bodies - pun intented - to put on the field. It'll be a tough task for the dark elfs to secure some points from this matchup, that's for sure. Anything to add before we move onto Valhalla Cup Brandy? Brandy... you know, that's such a lovely name...
- You know, I used to think Ull's Pasture was really boring before I knew how many necromancer coaches there were. But I still think that Valhalla Cup is more exciting because more people come to see us cheer!
- Some illusioned individuals might say that most of the crowds come to see the the game, but I'm sure you're right, being such a talented and wise young woman!
- Thanks Gron! Who will the undead teams play in Valhalla Cup? I think might ask to be scheduled into cheering in of those games.
- Well, NattBowlarna will host the Cougar Kittens and Staffans Hooligang will get a visit from the Flying Boom Bats BK!
- Oh, Kittens.. that's that prettier amazon team... I think I might ask for a spot on the Hooligang game!
- So let's talk about that then! The unintentional bye week really helped the Boom Bats, as they managed to get their game back together after the violent Kittens game. Powerwise Ratatosk the rat ogre will have hard day's night ahead of him trying to keep those tomb guardians at bay but on the ball handling side of things it's the skavens that have the advantage. Hard to tell about these kind of matchups, if the undead get the casualty factory running there'll be lots of rat pie available for the crowds but, on the other hand, if the skavens get the things running, there's no one fast enough on the Khemri team to stop the little buggers.
- Thee-hee! You know, you're really smart Gron! I think that was really funny!
- Thank you Brandy! Here, let me wipe that sweat from your forehead... Sorry, stumbled there a bit, hope you don't mind...
- Thee-hee! Tickles!
- Yes, yes...really nice... Really firm and... ONWARDS! The other undead team NattBowlarna will host Cougar Kittens in a match that could either make a playoff picture lot clearer or blur it into a tangled web of what ifs! Victory for the Kittens would guarantee them a place on the playoffs but that seems a highly unlikely result. NattBowlarna are chock-full of talent and skills so the Kittens will have little help from their natural abilities to dodge away from the men trying to hit on them. The mummy duo of Kling and Klang Karlsson have been very succesful in their appearances this seasons and have recorded lots of hits. Kittens may get help from their long-time friend and star-player Zara the Slayer who really doesn't like undead teams and has in past readily agreed to bulk up the Kittens ranks when they play against any once-deads.
- You know Gron, it's really hot here. I'm sweating quite a bit now. I hope that you don't mind. Do you think there's any place cooler here?
- Well, I'm always complaining how chilly my dressing room is. We could go there to cool down if you want... I also have some nice etchings there if you want to have a look!
- You know, I think I'd like that. Do you think I could go on ahead right now?
- Please do! I'll wrap things up here and come show you around.
- Thanks Gron! I'll probably have to change my blouse also. Would be nice if you could help me as I always have trouble with the buttons with those enchantments on them and all - but I think I'll manage it myself if you don't make it in time. See you later!
- .... FINALMATCHINVALHALLACUPISOTHERBROTHERSVERSUSJUNGLE_BOOGIES! Someone will win! That's all! I'm Gron! Have a week! I'm off!
- ...The bastard went of like a lightning... Haven't seen even a gutter runner move so fast.... Don't blame him though... Yeah, yeah, we still almost two minutes of magiair reserved... Can't have dead air... You go on... Well, I'm not going, it's either you or that sprite in the sound check and you know how high pitched his voice is...
- Mmm.. Hi folks... Gron Grumbundy... He had to go... Ah... I'm Nippy.... HI MOM! ...Blood Bowl, really exciting isn't it! How much longer? A MINUTE STILL! Ohm, yes... What?... Analysis of the game... Ahem... Well, my dad said that the Jungle_Boogie are fighting for playoff spots and will beat anybody into bloody pulp who'll get in their way but my mom said to that Other Brothers have a big ogre who'll also beat anybody into bloody pulp... So I don't know... Mom tends to know things better but dad reads a lot of blood bowl mags in the loo, so he might be right in this one... Yep... Violent game blood bowl, isn't it? ... They'll probably run with the ball a lot... both of them. Might throw it also... Were out of time finally! This was Blood Spotlight Sporst! Tell your friends!
NUL Season 4! / Re: Season 4 Match 4 - Valhalla Cup
October 11, 2011, 02:49:27 AM
B, I'll be away from Saturday 15th to Tuesday 18th, so it would be best if we got the match played by Friday. I should be free every day from Wednesday to Friday from 18 (GMT+2) onwards. Let me know.
NUL Season 4! / Season 4 Match 4 - Valhalla Cup
October 11, 2011, 02:43:52 AM
Just two matches to go on the regular season, here are the matchups for the week 4. Game on!

- We welcome you all who are still living - far from death's hall for which you should be thanks giving.
- Be not afraid dear fans! You're tuned into right station, this is your favourite magicast Blood Sports Spotlight where we discuss all things Norsca Union League! I'm Gron Grumbundy and the voice you just heard belongs to our special guest for this week. He is none other than the now retired assassin extra-ordinaire of the dark elf team Pungus Diabolo, the poet of death, master of the blade and slayer of souls,  TEDLY BUGGER! Welcome to the show Tedly!
- Thank you Gron for the intruduction so kind, but I must correct you - if you don't mind - for we assassins never retire for we are always available for hire.
- Really? You know I do have this kind of an annoying... Well, let's talk later after the show. Yes! Time to take a look at the results from the second week of the NUL! The reason we invided Tedly to our studio is of course the just ridicilous amount of spectacular play we have seen this week! Dear listeners, I know you know what makes a good blood bowl match, but just to make sure, I'll get a confirmation from our respected guest. Tedly, in your opinion, what a makes a blood bowl match truly spectacular?
- Why Gron don't you know, a match really isn't worth squawking, if there don't come a blow that gets the death stalking! Corpses, cadevours and dead are things every match should imbed!
- How poetically put Tedly and I couldn't agree more! It just a isn't blood bowl if we don't see a death or two in occasion! And boy did we see deaths in this round of the NUL! Let's start with the match where two players were grounded so hard that they were put into ground soon after the match. I'm of course talking about the opening match of Valhalla Cup's second round, the game where amazonian Cougar Kittens hosted the skaven Flying Boom Bats BK and where Kittens' linewoman Christina made herself a fan favourite over night by being responsible for the demise of two skaven players! What's your take on this young bloodthirsty linewoman Tedly?
- I must admit she's a beauty, with a lovely soft bootie and capable of doing death's duty!
- In case anyone's interested in the touchdowns, Cougar Kittens edged out a 2-1 victory over the skavens and the match was reported to be really tight. Disappointingly the other two Valhalla Cup's matches from the second week produced no new corpses but I guess we must mention them before moving to games in Ull's Pasture where we saw some real action! Beforehand the most anticipated match was thought to be Jungle_Boogie versus Nightbowlarna, clash of the veteran amazon and undead teams. Polls taken after the match show that some 33 thousand spectators were not disappointed, as they gave the match a really high rating, even though the end result was a 1 all tie. Maybe the five casualties that Jungle_Boogie suffered livened up the game. Any thoughts on this match or these teams Tedly?
- When the once dead walk again you would be better of running for all you need is half a brain to know they don't go for cunning! They just bash and smash until all your hopes crash. The jungle gals always boogie fine when there's fame and success on the line!
- That's them teams in a nutshell, you really nailed it there Tedly! OK, the third and final match in the Valhalla Cup was between the human Other Brothers and Khemri Staffans Hooligang. As I hinted earlier, there were no deaths here, but boy was the match violent! The Khemri suffered four casualties against the five of the humas. That's nine total casualties folks! Hooligang naturally were not really affected by the casualties due to their natural regeneration abilities but the Other Brothers were really hurt. Their ogre Veli Ponteva will miss the next game along with another brother. Staffans Hooligang won also the touchdown contest, this time all that was needed to steal the game was one scoring play. Tedly, any thoughts on Valhalla Cup before move onto Ull's Pasture?
- It's the field of dreams and place of glory but there are also screams and stories very gory.
- You really are the poet of death Tedly, I couldn't have put that better myself. As promised, now it's time for Ull's Pasture week 2 recap. And what a week we had! There were touchdowns, there was suspense, there was drama and what's most important, there were fresh corpses a plenty! Let's start with the match with the most corpses on the field. That would of course be the match between the undead Last Steps and lizardmen team Den of Dragons. This time the corpses won the day by scoring 2 touchdowns against 1 of the Dragons. Last Steps' mummy Ramtu the First also made the play of the day by scoring a clean kill! I have to mention the rumours that are flying around about this match, some loose tongues claim that heavenly forces were in play in this match, namely the god of misfortune and chaos has been said to given his "blessings" to the lizards. Do you have any experiences about godly forces in the field of blood bowl Tedly?
- Once from the corner of my eye, I could swear I saw an angel of light. But when my knife made my victim cry, the winged one must've taken flight. For when my weapon digged deeper, one who came forth was the reaper.
- Grimly tale there Tedly! Well, in the second match Necro Norvegicus hosted Virgins No More and death was in the air also in this match! This time the victim came from the necromantic team Necro Norvegicus and the player responsible for this permanent casualty was the high elven Eitimonion Tahtron! But the high elfs didn't have it easy, Meldiraan Aldaloth suffered such a serious injury that it is rumoured he'll loose some of his strength permanently! Both teams scored one touchdown, so the match naturally ended in a tie. A tight game I understand! As was the third match between the dark elf team Roma Victorius and the orc representative Lotsa Stompin'. In this matchup the delfs were the once to suffer from the grim reaper's visit. Roma Victorius also suffered a serious injury that'll leave the team with only 9 players able to take the field in the third week! Tough and unlucky start for the dark folk. Not so for the orcs! They won the match with one scored touchdown and now share the lead of the division with the Virgins No More.
- OK, now it's time to take a quick look at the third week of NUL! What's your take on the matchups Tedly?
- I see blood sisters hosting the brothers, jungle women fighting zombies and others, rats running around the graveless, two once deads playing chess, green wave meet the helmets with fins and the scaled ones go against the dark skins.
- Yes, that's right! In Ull's Pasture it'll be Necro Norvegicus hosting Last Steps, Lotsa Stompin' get a visit from Virgins No More and Den of Dragons will be visited by Roma Victorius. The all undead match between the necros and undead promises to be the most bashy of the matches, although I have to say that the Last Steps have a couple really promising skill players. Their wight Steffan the Tyrant has developed his speed to an extent that he is said to be as fast on the track as the team's ghouls! And the ghoul Pebblegnawer is really looking good, he has already racked up 2 touchdowns and an interception! But the Necro Norvegivus can throw in an interesting mix of skill and force. Maybe the best examples of this are their wight Amalie Skrammel and werewolf Rip-Zen who both have a touchdown and a casualty under their belts!
- May the ghouls run afoul while the wolfs howl!
- Yes, that just might happen! As earlier noted, Roma Victorius will be two players short so they'll have to go freebooting againts the Den of Dragons. Luckily for the dark elfs the lizards are also short of players, kroxigor Thin Lizzie and saurus Scarzzz will have to sit out the match due to injuries. This match could go any way! Dragons have the power of the Sauruses and quickness of the skinks while elfs will go to battle with their natural agility. On the dark elf's side lots will be on the shoulders of the elven blitzer Titus Pullo, who is quickly developing into a fine veteran player. Only time will tell whether it'll be agility or stuntiness that wins the day! The other elven team Virgins No More will also have to start with one freebooter on their team. Lotsa Stompin' have no such troubles, they have just enough green skins to field a full team. This promises to be the match of the week in the Ull's Pasture, as these are the two top teams sharing the lead in divion standings with 4 points each. Elfs should have a good chance if they manage to dodge away and stay out of reach of Juggla Joe, the casualty king of the Stompin'. Orcs will naturally go looking for a physical game but they should do well to remember that it's the more durable high elfs they're playing, not the softy woody elfs!
- While the orcs bash and cage - hardly containing their rage - the elfs will run and throw, that you should know.
- Right you are Tedly! Thats all from Ull's Pasture, time to move onto veterans teams playing in the Valhalla Cup. There we'll have the all human match between the amazonian Cougar Kittens and the all-human Other Brothers. Brothers have taken lots of beating in their first two matches and will be missing their muscle,  Veli Ponteva. Kittens will also have absentees, as two lineharlots will be recovering from injuries suffered against the Boom Bats. This should be an even matchup and lots will depend on who will get the advantage of numbers. On to the third human team, amazonian Jungle_Boogie, who will make a trip to Khemri to play Staffans Hooligang. This will be a classic test of power against skill. Khemri teams are traditionally considered lacking in speed and agility but boy do they have power! If the Hooligang's tomb guardians manage to keep the Boogiers dodging away and succeed in braking the amazons' scantly armor, we could get a surpise here! Jungle_Boogie are maybe the most skilled team in the league with enough veterans for every spot on the field.  
- How about the night bowlers and the ones with tails, those lightning fast strollers against the bringers of agony and wails?
- Well Tedly, I think that the Flying Boom Bats BK will have a hard day's night ahead of them. But do you want to know a secret? Nightbowlarna can't just let it be some hippy hippy shake game or they'll end up crying, waiting, hoping and watching as the rats fly past them! Skaven are fast and I bet they'll have some extra incentives to do well! Ok, as it now seems that we're fast running out of time, I'll let our esteemed guest have the final word! I've been Gron Grumbundy and I wish you bloody good blood bowling week! Take it away Tedly!
- On the field of green, lined with chalk so white, they play a game quite mean, but oh' so fit for a knight! It's the favourite of reaper so grim for there he gets to take lives in a whim. Remember you this one thing, be you a beggar or a king, there is only one game fit for gods themselves, the game played both by orcs and elves, the game of blood and guts, of slashes, blocks and cuts. Blood and Bowl.
Have you ever tried to wash clothes stained with sticky goblin snot? Or even worse, snotling blood or Nurgle rot? When you play hard, you're clothes are bound to get dirty. But fear not! There's a detergant that's as harsh to stains as a dwarven referee to a fouling elfen blitzer! Try the new Magivaporizer from Weasel Triplets Detergant Company LLC (Limited Liability to Customers). Guaranteed to get rid of stains! Magivaporizer, the official  washing detergant of the Hillbilly Trollops, the famed all-female-Troll team!

AND that was a message from our main sponsor for today's Valhalla Cup match between amazonian Cougar Kittens and human Other Brothers! Magivaporizer, the only sane choise for all you true Blood Bowl fans! I'm Brick Fastrabbler, your commentator for today's LIVE match.  The opening ceremonies are almost over and tems have already lined up. Cougar Kittens will have the first attempt at scoring with Other Brothers kicking off. We have some absentees for both teams, Other Brother's Ogre will miss this game and so will two amazonian linewomans. This will mean that brothers will have a go with 11 players on their roster and Kittens with 12 women. Should be a even match with both teams... AND HERE'S THE KICKOFF! Ball lands on the right center quite deep behind the Kittens line! Here comes Lana Kreuk and she got the ball up effortlessy! Rest of the Kittens are laying down some smack, brothers flying around but they're landing softly, looks like the gals are taking it easy. Lana is on the move! Dashes straight up the field but she is stopped at the line of scrimmage by strong Brothers line so she goes right!  Brothers continue absorbing some punishing Kitten blocks and are going down but are quickly back on their feet and they manage to shift their defence to the right flank! Lana stops, looks around and backtracks back behind the centre line! AND NOW WE HAVE SOME ACTION! Lineman Pauli of the Brothers took down linewoman Cameron and she is being carried out! Looks like quite a bad injury, but probably nothing serious, we'll surely see her in the next match. Now the Kittens have cleared the right flank and Lana again shifts direction and now goes right again! Brothers are fast to respond, Veli Punapaita just took down Teri Susan, hopefully that don't come back to haunt him later, Teri is known for being able to both take and receive punishment.... AND Pekka Puukko just ko'd Kitten blitzer Marcia Bree! Kittens are loosing players fast, they'll have to come up with something fast! They're bunching up close to Lana, protecting the ball, Lana has almost stopped moving but she is inching forward... THERE'S THE OPENING! Teri Susan just laid a thundering blitzblock on Veli Punapaita. Punapaita is OUT! Badly hurt if I'm not mistaken! I told you you shouldn't mess with that gal, she has fists of thunder and boobs like.... Ahem.. Lana is going for it! She's almost at the goal line with Teri protecting her! But here comes Pauli to the rescue! This stalwarth lineman is really on fire today! Lana goes down, looks like she's ok but the ball is loose and it bounces to the stands! Fans of both teams are fighting for the ball and there it goes! And it hits the turf almost at middle of the field, close to Brother's goal line! Thrower Akseli Koskela runs to pick up the ball and he gets it! AND HE IS GOING FOR A PASS! IT'S A FUMBLE! Luckily for brothers the bounces to Pekka Puukko standing next to Akseli! Pekka has quite an amazed expression on his face, I think even he didn't think he could catch that ball as he's known for being the most clumsy player on the team! And now he's seeing stars! Teri Susan got to him lightning fast and Pekka is carried out knocked out! The ball bounces to Teri and she's got it! She's dodging away from Akseli Koskela and she did it! Here comes Unni the Blitzer for Teri! Scrambling for it and here's the block! HE IS DOWN! UNNI GOES DOWN! Teri takes down the supporting Brothers player and now she's gunning for the goal just a short dash away! IT'S A TD! KITTENS GO UP 1-0 with the first half just about to end! There's enought time for one kick-off but really nothing else so we'll take a break here and get back when the second half is about to start! Stay tuned, you'll get s lots of exciting and valuable info from our sponsors during the break!

Are you having trouble with your neighbours? Are those bigger ogres at school bugging you? Is the harlot at the local watering joint hitting on your man? Have those nasty sauruses invaded your favourite pond and refuse to leave? Is your favourite NUL team getting beaten by those nasty veteran teams? Solution to all your bully problems is as close as your local representative of Hexthejrerk Hags Incorporated! Just look for that small hayroofed wooden hut in that little clearing in the scary forest near your village or hamlet. We'll put a stop your worries and hex on your enemies! Guaranteed to work within two weeks of the next full moon after the hexing. Milking cows and strawberry pies accepted as down payment. Hexthejerk Hags Incorporated - your solution to getting back at the bullies! Member of Hexhags Group.


Has your hair started falling out suddenly? Did your cattle dry up shortly after you had driven off that bothersome farmer whose house spoiled your view? Has your mistress gotten a sudden rash of warts? You could be hexed! Lots of succesfull and more hansdome individuals have been lately targeted by hexes by the envious little buggers that keep on bothering the more well-to-do honest men. But don't worry, there's a way to get rid of and also to protect oneself from those annoying and sometimes even life-threatening hexes! Just contact your local representative of Hex-away Hags Corporated. Located either at the center of that scary little swamp or on that little island at the middle of that small threatening looking lake near your local village or hamlet. We'll counter every hex put on you! Guaranteed to work within two weeks of the next waning moon after the anti-hexing. Also continious protection hexes are available on a continous order basis. Hex-away Hags Corporated - your solution to getting rid of hexes! Member of Hexhags Group.

Were back! Second half of the Cougar Kittens versus Others Brothers Valhalla Cup match is about to start. There was a nasty incident at the last kick-off of the first half, Other Brothers knocked down the front line of the Kittens but the Kitten players managed to hit the ground softly. But then Moltti the lineman laid one of the most blatant fouls on the prone linewoman Anne! Anne suffered a broken jaw and will miss rest of this match and probably also the Kittens' next match! The foul was really blatant which is proven by the fact that even the referee spotted it and Moltti will sit out rest of the match in the penalty box! This means that Others Brothers have only 8 players able to take the field, as the knocked out Pekka Pukko is still unconcious. Cougar Kittens are also one player short with the fore-mentioned linewomen Anne and linegal Cameron out for the rest of the game. Cougar Kittens are already ready to kick-off and here goes Maria! It's a long boot to the deep right flank. The Brothers' thrower Sen Veli is close by and has no trouble picking up the ball. He hangs back for now, watching how rest of the Brothers will do in blocking. Looks like 2 harlots are down but they're getting up fast and the Brothers are being blanketed tightly by the Kittens! The amazons are really taking advantage of their woman-advantage. Lots of pushing and shoving, nothing really happening here... Here goes Sen Veli! He's running to the line of scrimmage guarded by two other Other Brothers! It's a blitz! Teri Susan is coming for Sen Veli and she's looking fast and furious! Sen Veli takes the hit and stumbles back but manages to stay on his feet! Brothers try hard to hit on the amazons but the Kittens are not easy and refuse to go down on them! There goes the Brothers' blitzer Unni, he pushes back the gal guarding him and now he's trying to dodge for the Sen Veli's support! Ooof! He stumbles down and was almost knocked out! Looks like he managed to swallow some potion provided by team apotechary just before loosing consiousness and now he's lying on field catching his breath. There comes the block for Sen Veli! He goes down! The ball is loose! Takes a bounce and stops on the feet of two amazon gals! Here comes the amazonian catches Lana Kreuk... She got the ball and is now gunning for the goal with all her speed! Here team mates are forming a tight line between her and the opposing players, only brother close enough to catch her is Manu but Marcia Bree has her sights set on him! And Manu goes down! Nothing can prevent the TD anymore barring some really bad luck, as there it's a clear route to goal for miss Kreuk and nothing but fellow amazons close to her! Brothers try to get physical but no results there and now it's just couple of steps... TOUCHDOWN! The score is now 2-0 for Kittens! Still time for kick-off and an off-chance for goal! Teams line up fast and there's the kick! The ball lands to right. Sen Veli gets it runs to the centre. And catcher Pauli is braking free and going deep! He is all alone in the Kittens side of the field! He's inviting pain! And there it comes! IT'S ONLY A PUSHBACK! There are three amazons guarding Pauli but Sen Veli is still going for the throw! It's a nice pass Pauli should be able to make a try for it! INTERCEPTED! WHERE DID SHE COME FROM! Lana Kreuk caught the ball just as Pauli was about to get his hands on it! That's the game! No time for anything else! Well, looks like Lana and Eva Gabrielle are playing with the ball, Eva got a hand-off from Lana and now Eva is trying to toss it back to Lana... HAAHAA! Eva fumbled the pass but managed to catch the ball herself! That's entertainment folks! OK, there goes the whistle! The match is over. 2-0 for Cougar Kittens, casualties tied 1-1. We're running out of time, so see you next time! And remember, Magivaporizer may not wash away your troubles but it'll surely get rid of those nasty stains!

And here are the coaches comments:
One of the most even matches I've ever played with regards to dice luck. Both had their normal share of skulls (maybe Konna had one or two more) and armor brakes were coming with normal intervals. Tight game on the first half, Konna played good defence and managed to take away the ball. Got it back and managed a last turn TD. Konna started the second half with 8 players against my 10 and that proved to be just too much of an advantage. Konna had to take lots of one dice blocks at one point and then one failed dodge (might've been a go for it) put the game tightly onto my hands. Good and fair game, thanks again for the match Konna!
NUL Season 4! / Re: Season 4 Match 3 - Valhalla Cup
September 28, 2011, 05:13:41 AM
Quote from: Konna on September 27, 2011, 01:56:03 PM
I'm off on gigs all weekend so we'll have to do it tuesday. 18 would be fine with me.

OK, see you then.
NUL Season 4! / Re: Season 4 Match 3 - Valhalla Cup
September 27, 2011, 03:01:32 AM
Konna, millonkas veljeksille sopis tärskyt?

I'll be busy during this week, but from weekend on my schedule looks OK (GMT+3 or Finnish time):
Friday (30th) 20 ->
Saturday 19->
Sundy any time starting before 21.
Tuesday 18->

Can't tell any further now but let's see if any of these fits.
NUL Season 4! / Season 4 Match 3 - Valhalla Cup
September 27, 2011, 02:54:25 AM
And here's the third round, plenty of time to play with the round ending October 10th:
NUL Season 4! / Season 4 Match 2 - Ull's Pasture
September 26, 2011, 04:15:15 AM
Ok, let's get the second round of Ull's Pasture started, here are the matchups: