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Messages - J-Reedy

NUL Season 4! / Re: Season 4 Match 1 Valhalla Cup
September 13, 2011, 02:33:09 PM
Quote from: krim_nielsen on September 13, 2011, 01:45:26 PM
thursday @ 19.00 ?

Aye, that's a date mate.
NUL Season 4! / Re: Season 4 Match 1 Valhalla Cup
September 13, 2011, 01:17:20 PM
Yo Krim. Let's see it the third time against the Boogiers will be a charm for the Kittens.

I'm a bit busy this week, trying to cram lots of stuff to my last vacation week, but I should be free to play the following times (GMT+2):

Wed (14th) from 17.00
Thu from 17.00
Sat all day
Sun 10.00-15.00
NUL Season 3! / Re: And we have a champion...
September 05, 2011, 03:59:03 PM
congratz to the champions also from the Kittens!
Matches / Re: The Play Off
August 28, 2011, 04:10:00 PM
- Warm welcome to all you listeneners out there! I'm Trip Skulsson-Plok and I'll be reporting the playoff match between the two amazon teams Cougar Kittens and Jungle_boogie to you with my collegue Dabble Onz. Say hi to the folks Dabble!
- Hi.
- As articulate as ever our Dabble there. The game is about to start, Boogiers won the coin toss and elected to kick-off first. Bit surpising isn't it Dabble?
- No.
- That's right! The school of thought that you're better off defending with a full squad has been winning ground lately and more and more teams have started to use the first kick-off. And there it goes! The ball lands off bounds! Kittens coach tosses the ball to the star Receiver Kristin Lang. No surprise there. Am I right or am I right Dabble?
- Yes.
- And now the action starts! Oof, nice block by the linewoman Cameron! Looks like the that linewoman won't be boogying any more in this match! She's hurt!
- Badly.
- Right you are! And Kristin is advancing to line of scrimmage, Kittens are forming a tight cage around her. But here comes the boogying blitzer Antianara Thermadosa and she invades the cage by pushing one of the Kitten linegirls back! But here come the Kittens. One! Two! Three! Four! Unbelieveble! Antianara took three blocks and a blitz and she's still standing!
- Firmly.
- Kristin has no choice but to dodge out of her reach but looks like Antianara is not having it. She's going after Cameron to follow Kristin and Cameron is down! Looks like they're going have to carry her out. How seriously do you think she was hurt Dabble?
- Badly.
- Expert as ever you are mr. Onz. Looks like the Boogiers are taking the cage apart one girl at the time and putting pressure on Kristin. But there she goes! Dodged out again and now she's gunning to the right flank! Only a couple of boogiers there with three Kittens! Boogiers are reacting to the play by running to cover the deep right side and their blitzer is putting pressure on Kristin. But here comes Eva Gabrielle of the Kittens and takes the Blitzer down! But wait! Now Eva is down too! Looks like she tried run a bit too fast and stumbled on to her feet! What's your last name Dabble?
- Onz.
- Just checking that you're still here. Boogiers are surrounding the ball but as there are too many Kittens they don't have a chance to get pick it up. Kittens back at work pushing the Boogiers away from the ball. And now Zara the Slayer puts on her blitzing groove and clears the ball! Looks like she's trying to pick it up!
- Fail.
- And a magnificent one of such! Ball takes a bounce and ends up on the feet of three Kittens. Looks like Christina of the Kittens is going deep for a passing chance! But there comes Okypous of the Jungle_boogie and Christina goes down! And another magnificent block from the Jungle_boogie! Looks like Jennifer is hurt!
- Badly.
- Right again there Dabble. Either Kittens have trouble with their balance or Boogiers have been working on their tackling skills. But there's Kristin Lang again! She took a while to recover from that stunning blow but she finally managed to get up and blitzed her way to the ball and is now holding it!
- Wrong.
- Right you are Dibble! Boogiers star thrower Akantha the Brazenface put Kristin down.
- Out.
- Knocked out she is, right you are Dabble. And there comes Andromache Deinomache from the Jungle_boogie and picks up the ball! Looks like there are too few Kittens standing up to do anything but Marcia Bree is trying! No dice there! Down she goes with that dodge failing. And Andromache is running for it giving it all she gotz and then some!
- Touchdown.
- Nice td right before the end of the first half! We'll have time for another kick-off but there won't be any time for the Kittens to score unless they blitz and looks like they didn't manage it. But there goes Teri Susan!
- Casualty.
- Right you are, that's what you get when you put unexperienced Anae Bright Moon against Teri Susan who is fast becoming one of the most violent players in the league! I think that is her eigth casualty for this season! And there's Zara stabbing other Jungle_boogie rookie to KO.
- Over.
- Yep, the referee blew the whistle and the first half is over. Time for a small break but stay tuned! Exciting second half will wait for us!

- And we're back! Trip Skulsson-Plok here with Babble Onz coming to you live...
- Unlive.
- We're not talking about race now Dabble. I think everybody knows you're not technically live anymore after that incident you had in your interview with that vampire team last year. What I was talking about is that we're broadcasting live.
- Kick-off.
- Oh right you are! Cougar Kittens kicked off the ball! It lands halfway to the Jungle_boogie endzone. Andromeda Evadne is there to pick it up and now she advances to the right flank. Rest of the Boogiers are guarding her but are staying quite far away from her. Any idea why that would be Dabble?
- Putter.
- Oh yes, totally forgot that the Cougar Kittens big fan Harry Putter is in the stands today and it just that happens that he is also a wizard! So Boogiers are avoiding crowding up just in case mr. Putter has taken her wand with him today!
- Tripledown.
- Yep, there goes the Kittens front line down as easy as a harlot in a bedroom. But now the Kittens are striking back! This could get violent Dabble!
- Shoving.
- Pushback after a pushback, Boogiers are clearly more adapt at staying on their feet than Kittens. Andromeda is advancing slowly with her team-mates clearing the route, how many Kittens do you see down on the ground now Dabble?
- Four.
- And only three get up. Lots of pushing and shoving going on but nothing happening, Kittens aren't just getting any boogiewomen down. Kittens on the other hand are flying around like witches on Weenyhell Day. Andromeda is now almost at a scoring distance. But wait what happened! Why is she down?
- Zap.
- Could be mr. Putter's fault indeed, you may be right Dabble! Ball is on the ground, Kristin Lang is there to guard it, other Kittens trying to get there but Jungle_boogie is having none of the that! Down goes Kristin and Akantha Brazenface has a clear route to the ball. She has the ball and is going for a TD pass!
- Botched.
- That was a perfect pass! How could the catcher drop it! Here come the Kittens, swamping the ball but not only getting one Boogier down.
- Foul.
- And a clear one! Teri Susan just put a blatant fould on the downed Boogier but the ref is not doing anything! Must be paid off. Too many Boogiers and too few Kittens around the ball, won't take much longer I reckon. Yes, there comes the Jungle_boogie's blocking crew! Kitten down, another one, third one pushed back. The ball is clear and Andromeda Evadne gets another chance! She's got the ball and a clear route to the endzone!
- Teedy.
- 2-0 for the Jungle_Boogie! Kittens have exactly half of the second half left to try to score. Looks like they're swarming the line of scrimmage with just a couple Kittens waiting for the ball. It's a high kick, blitzr Scavo Huffman has all the time in the world to get under it. Caught it! She advances to middle. Zara is going deep. Kittens front line doing little to help their scoring chances, only one Boogier goes down and the centrefield is crowded. Down goes Zara, four Boogiers taking care of her. That settles it, no chance for the Kittens to tie the game. Kristin tries to get through the left flank, trying to go for the consolation TD. There comes the pass from Scavo!
- Scattered.
- Right you are dabble, bad pass but Kristin managed to haul it in but looks like she won't enjoy it long. Yep, she's pushed back off the field. Block there, blitz, nothing happening.
- Blows.
- That the referee does, in his whistle I mean! And the game is over! Jungle_boogie advance to the final with a convincing 2-0 victory over the Cougar Kittens!

And here are the less flamboyant off-character comments: Nothing to do. Both the opposing coach and team were just better today. Couldn't get Krim's girls down while his tacklers were downing my girls all over the field. Dice seemed fair for both sides. Thanks to Krim for the nice game! I'll try to do better next season.
Matches / FINALS
August 28, 2011, 02:33:20 PM
And the finals are here! The necromantic Silver Hunters will be hosting the two-time champions amazonian Jungle_boogie. Will the Hunters continue their upwards trend or are the boogiers still hungry enough to claim their third title?
Matches / Re: The Play Off
August 26, 2011, 11:12:32 AM
OK Krim, no harm done. On Saturday I'll probably get home only after 16.00, so Sunday would be the best for me. Any time on Sunday is fine with also me.

How about Sunday 13.00? Or any other time, I should be free the whole day.
Matches / Re: The Play Off
August 23, 2011, 09:36:28 AM
Quote from: krim_nielsen on August 23, 2011, 09:06:36 AM
friday @ 21.00 ?

Friday 21 it shall be. Looking forward to trying to survive the match.
Matches / Re: The Play Off
August 23, 2011, 02:49:03 AM
OK Krim, time for us to do the kitten boogie. I just started my summer vacation, so I'm roaming free as a wild cougar in a jungle this week (GMT+2):

Tuesday 15.00->
Wednesday 20.00->
Thursday any time
Friday any time
Saturday 17.00->
Sunday any time

Let me know what suites you the best.
Sign Up! / Re: Season 4 starts here!
August 20, 2011, 10:01:50 AM
J-Reedy and the Cougar Kittens will return to battle all the undead teams, those less pretty amazon teams and all rest of the teams for the top spots of the NUL's 4th season.
It is a well-known urban myth - some might say fact -that women are scared of rats and mice. Today's Blood Bowl match between all-woman Cougar Kittens and all-ratty Flying Boom Bats Ballklubben demonstrated why women have good reason for this fear.
The match started with the Flying Boom Bats receiving the ball. And then all heck broke loose. According to rumours  some spectators had gotten into an argument about which team's players were easier to hurt. This argument got so heated that the arguing sides finally decided to solve their argument with a hands-on experiment and stormed the field, trying to beat-up as many players as possible. Unfortunately the pitch invasion didn't resolve the argument, as the results were mixed: crowd managed to tackle five rats and only one amazon but none of the rats were hurt - the amazon linewoman on the other hand was stunned. As the crowd was returning to stands, Boom Bats burst into action. Gutter Runner Swiftfurs picked up the ball, made a quick dash towards center line and hurled the ball to fellow gutter runner Fastclaws waiting at the left sideline. Fastclaws caught the ball effortlessly but he managed to enjoy the company of the ball only few seconds when one of the the Cougar Kittens' most violent and feared blitzers Teri Susan hammered into him. Fastclaws went down and the ball bounced out of bounds. Crowd quickly returned the ball to the opposite side of the field where the amazonian catcher Kristin Lang was waiting. Kristin picked up the ball and made a short sprint towards center guarded by a couple of her team-mates. The closest Boom Bats player to Kristin happened to be the rat ogre Ratatosk. Unfortunately for Boom Bats, Ratatosk is know for being a bit of "personality" and, as his team-mates were yelling for him to go blitz the amazonian wench carrying the ball, Ratatosk merely shook his fists and roared in rage. Other Boom Bats' attempts to stop Kristin were in wane. On her way to goal line she blitzed down two opposing players, made a couple of beautiful dodges and in a final push managed to sprint beyond her natural abilities to reach the end zone and score the Kittens' first TD. At this point only third of the first half had been played.
Second drive of the game started with two amazon players laying on the sidelines knocked out but the Kittens still had enough players to field a full team. The starting kick landed on the near right corner of the Boom Bats' half of the field. Boom Bats quickly picked up the ball and got it onto center field in a hurry. At first amazons made no attempt for the ball and only lined up to cover the advances of the ratty team. But when the rat ogre Ratatosk threw another one of his fits, Kittens got a chance to blitz the ball carrier. Unfortunately the linewoman Cameron managed only a pushback and in the process she got too near Ratatosk, who quickly downed the wench. This opened a tiny little hole in the Kitten's line and as everybody knows, gutter runners are so petite and fast that they can get through the even tiniest of holes. So the ball was handed off to Speedy Gonzo, who leaped, dodged and ran as fast as he could and then some. Naturally, the result of this beautiful run all the way from the center field to the end zone was a TD. At this point crowd was getting very excited, as there was still a bit under third of the first half left to be played and score was already 1-1.
Third kick-off of the game was the first chance for the Cougar Kittens to get their hands on the ball without having to result to violence. This they did without any trouble, as the Boom Bats' opening kick landed out of bounds. Blitzer Teri Susan was the most experienced player closest to the line of scrimmage, so the Kittens' coach tossed the ball to her. Teri thanked for this show of confidence quite spectacularly. With a help from her team-mates she brought down the stormverming guarding the right sideline and ran deep into Boom Bats territory. Boom Bats reacted quickly and amazingly the first one to act was Ratatosk. His blow sent linewoman Courteney violently into ground. For the moment it seemed that Courteney was dead but quick reflexes of the Kittens' resident apotechary Hugh House saved the day and Courteney was later seen taking the court at the second half. Rest of the rats were also quickly gnawing at the heels of Teri Susan. Speedy Gonzo even succeeded in stopping the blitzer's run by pushing her almost out of bounds. But Teri stayd on her feet and on the field. And when catcher Lana Kreuk caught up and gave her support, it was all that Teri needed. She pushed back the stormvermin closest to her, followed through with her block and then dodged out the rat's grasp and ran as her life was at stake. The result was a TD and the Kittens' were up 2 to 1.
There was still enought time on the clock for one kick-off but Boom Bats managed to get nothing out of it. Teri Susan on the other hand was not satisfied with merely scoring. Just as the ball was being kicked, she and the rest of the amazon team blitzed. The end result was one knocked out rat by the name of Deedle Blade.
Teri's hit on Deedle Blade was so forceful that the rat didn't recover to start the second half. The two amazonian knock-outees on the other hand had rested for almost entire first half and managed to recover just in time for the second half. Second half started with Boom Bats' second kick-off and what a beauty it was. The ball landed on the right corner of the field, as close to sideline and endzone as possible. Cougar Kittens, who were in their usual line-up close to line of scrimmage, were forced to rush down to cover the ball. Some of the amazons however remained at the center, one of them being Teri Susan who was working hard at earning the MVP mention. Her first block of the second half knocked out the rat-thrower Furry Ballbreaker and this inspired rest of the ladies on the line of scrimmage to also take down their opponents. Meanwhile, the first Kittens to get to the was Lana Kreuk but her attempts to pick up the ball failed miserably. Fortunately the distance to the ball was too much even for gutter runners, so the Boom Bats had no chance of taking advantage of this fumble. Kittens finally got the ball off the ground when Lana Kreuk's twin sister Kristin Lang got to the scene. The protection around her was loose and Boom Bats might've had a chance for a desperate blitz but then Ratatosk came to Kittens' rescue. Rat ogre's block attempt on blitzer Eve Gabrielle ended with Ratatosk eating the grass. Boom Bats were so stunned by this fail that Kittens soon had Kristin running towards the center line in a cage tight as nun's chastity belt. It seemed that nothing could stop the cage's advance but then, just as Kristin set her foot on the center line, linewoman Sandra failed her dodge attempt out of Ratatosk's arms and that was all that Boom Bats needed. Linerat Guy on the Coach laid smack on linewoman Christina. As a result she was carried out of the field badly hurt. Linerat Pfffssssk's block on linewoman Anne resulted in one amazon hand getting so smashed that Anne may have to miss Kittens' next game. Rest of the rats swarmed the Kittens who were supporting Kristin's run in order to give Ratatosk a chance to blitz the ball-carrier. Kittens' sighed in relief when Kristin managed to stay on her feet and the block attempts of the frenzied Ratatosk resulted in mere push-backs. Frenzied attack had brought Ratatosk and Kristin quite near to the sideline where there relatively few rats guarding the endzone. Kristin saw the chance and took it: she dodged over Ratatosk's tail, took down a gutter runner standing in her way and sprinted for the endzone. In no time she was far away from trouble and other Kittens were positioning themselves between her and the reats. The only Boom Bat close enough to reach Kristin was Nifty Swiftfurs but he had no chance for a block so he tried to call for a blitzing help from his ratty team-mate Brent of Belows. Unfortunately Brent was guarded by Marcia Bree, blitzer quite well-known for her tackling skills, and Brent went down trying to dodge after Kristin. Nifty was soon to follow when Teri Susan caught up with him. Kristin had now a clear route to end zone and she took no time reaching the goal line and the score was now 3-1 for Kittens.
The final kick-off of the game was booted with second half almost at an end. Cougar Kittens were sure to win the match, so they only tried stay out of trouble and settled for forming a defensive line and trying to stay away from the rats. In this they did not succeed. For Guy on the Coach had found out that his true calling was to hit on girls. This he did so efficiently that Blitzer Eva Gabrielle was soon carried out of the field with a badly hurt back. Another rat out to prove something was Speedy Gonzo. He got the ball from the thrower Swiftfurs near the center line and off he went. Leap, dodge and a bit of an effort in running were all that were needed to give birth to Boom Bats' second TD just as the second half ended. The match ended 3-2 for the Cougar Kittens but the Flying Boom Bats BK won the casualties - which some true connosseurs of Blood Bowl consider to be even more important than touchdowns - 4 to nothing. Clearly a sign that women really should fear rats.

And the non-fluffy comments: Game was tight and the dice seemed quite fair, maybe a bit in favour of the Kittens. Boom Bats' rat ogre proved to be Kittens best player, single handedly stopping at least three Boom Bats attempts to blitz the ball carrier. Interestingly all of the TDs were scored with the help of go-for-its.
Matches / Re: Valhalla Cup Match 11
August 11, 2011, 08:13:46 AM
Quote from: Rotty on August 11, 2011, 08:00:48 AM
Quote from: Rotty on August 10, 2011, 03:12:13 PM
Quote from: J-Reedy on August 09, 2011, 07:58:12 AM
Tue (today): 19-21
Wed: 19-22
Thu: 20-21
Fri: 19-21
Gah! Not more amazons! always lose more rats to girls than against chaos. Just need to double check the time. Will get back soon, prolly Thursday it is.

Yo Reedy, I'm go tonite (Thursday) at 20 CET if that time is still open for you. Friday is busy. What you say ?

Tonite 20 CET is OK. See you in-game!
Matches / Re: Valhalla Cup Match 11
August 09, 2011, 07:58:12 AM
Yo Ratstick! Let me know when you'll be available. Here are my OK starting times for this week, all times Swedish (GMT+2):

Tue (today): 19-21
Wed: 19-22
Thu: 20-21
Fri: 19-21

Weekend is a no-go for me but next week should be OK. Let's look at those times if none of this week's times work for you.
Matches / Valhalla Cup Match 11
August 09, 2011, 07:30:10 AM
New games are up.

NattBowlarna and Jungle_boogie are 1 point apart from each other and fighting for the top spot so their opponents probably won't have it easy. Racewise the race for the top spot is even, as the current top team NattBowlarna will meet Silver Hunters in an all-undead match while Jungle_Boogie will face the brave Brothers in an all-human match. Will there be boogying or night-time bowling going on after the final match day? Tune in later to hear all the results from the final week. Looking at the other pairings, the match between the Bloodstone Maniax and Sing A Song Everyday is a good one for the more inexperienced bloowbowl spectators, as it'll be extremely easy to tell the players apart from each other. The rookie amazon teams will have beastial opponents: Cougar Kittens will go against Flying Boom Bats BK. It'll be interesting to see whether the match will cats playing with mice or rats swarming over the frightened wenches. The other rookie amazon team Gothia Empressess will battle in a probably bit more physical match against Spyhilitic Dribblers. Time will tell whether the empire will rise or does chaos ensue. Staffans Hooligang will have a bye week as Orgasmic team has thrown in the towel and bowed out of the race for the Valhalla Cup.

Game on!
My name Zara Mizelle Killer but you may know me better as the Zara the Slayer. I kill ghouls, stake vampires and tear mummies to shreds for I hunger for the eradication of the unholy undead. And sometimes I even play Blood bowl. Lately a lot ot of people have been wondering why I have chosen to play my last three matches with the newbie team Cougar Kittens. Well, one of the reasons is that they pay me handsomely. But another reason is that their latest matches have been against undeads, and as you may have picked up,l I really don't like those unholy creatures. And that is why I once again chose to accept when the Kittens' coach asked me lead the Kittens against the unholy Khemri team Staffan's Hooligang. And I must confess I quite enjoyed the game. Why? Let me tell you:
The game started with the unholies receiving the ball. The promising new receiver Kristin Lang kicked the ball straight at the unholy mummy  standing close to the scrimmage line. I almost laughed aloud watching how that clumsy pile of rags fumbled the ball onto the scrimmage line. And then the game started. I started running for the closest Throw-ra in sight and watched how the unholies started pushing my brave temporary team-mates around. They did not succeed but I did. My stakes struck true and the Throw-ra went down. Unfortunately he was only stunned and my hunger was not satisfied. I saw that the another Throw-ra had picked up the ball, so I commanded the Kittens to form a protective blanket close to scrimmage line and the ball. We would have to wait for our chance. It came sooner than expected when one of the skeletons  tried to dodge and went down like a pile of bones he truly is. After I stunned a zombie with my stakes, the route was opened to the ball-carrying unholy and the Kittens new blitzer Scavo went for it. Her blitz was true and the Throw-ra went down and the ball fell right next to the right sideline. This angered the unholies and they managed to push the linewoman Courtney off the field and knock some of our brave women down and push others back so the ball was clear of our players. But the unholies would not have it that easy. I yelled a battle-cry and went after the ball. And the rest of the those brave young Cougars followed my suite. And then my world went black. I later discovered that I had been stunned by a block from one of the unholies. But that did not matter for  I was told that while I was out, the unholies pushed Scavo - who was trying for the ball - right on the ball. The ball scattered out of bounds and the crowd caught it and and tossed it over the heads of all the players on the right sidelane, right at one of the unholy pile of bones standing at the middle of the field. Naturally the pile of bones fumbled the ball. And just as I was rolling over, recovering from the stun, I saw one of the most beautiful plays I've ever witnessed. Kristin the receiver dodged out of Tomb Guardian's grasp and went after the skeleton that had just fumbled the ball. I swear that skeleton's bone shattered to every direction when Kristin struck. They carried the bones out of the field and to my disappointment I saw the Hooligang "coach" pull those shattered bones back together and the unholy skeleton walked again. But that didn't change the fact that Kristin had done well and would do even better. For she picked up the ball and started a run towards the endzone. And rest of the Kittens covered him so well that the unholies had no chance of catching her. This energized me to great extent and my hands were like thunder and storm when I got up and struck my stakes at the chest of the Thtrow-ra standing besides me. And my heart found joy when the unholy creater screamed silently and crumbled to ground. I had managed to hurt him so badly that he would not return to the game. I gave myself a moment of joy and came to regret it instantly. For I was struck from the left and I staggered back, another hit from the right pushed me back once again and the third hit from my back found it's mark and I fell to ground right at the sideline. But that did not matter. For as I was falling down I wittnessed one of the most beautiful sights one can see at the Blood Bowl field. For Teri Susan, one of the bravest and most skilled blitzers on the Kittens team had laid a mighty blitz on the Tomb Guardian Neith the Westener and where the Tomb Guardian had only moments later stood there was now just a pile of dust. The mummy was dead. I laughed out aloud thanking heavens. And then I saw the unholies turn and start lumbering towards me and before I could do anything, they were kicking and hitting me with no remorse. The clearest foul I've ever seen but the referee must've been blind and did nothing. And, as I was knocked out, also I went blind and could not see no more of the rest of the first half.
When I came to my senses, right as the second half of the game was about to start, I heard the joyuos news that Kristin had scored an easy touchdown and we were leading 1-0. I also noticed that the weather had changed, the sun was now very bright, making passing of the ball hard for us and nearly impossible for the unholies. I got up and took a stand at the scimmage line, right next to an unholy skeleton and waited for the kick-off. The ball once again ended up right next to the right sideline but I didn't care about that. I struck my blessed stakes at the skeleton and saw him go down. Now the Hooligang coach failed to put the skeleton back together and I felt hunger ease a bit. My team-mates also did well, knocking the unholies down and the catcher Lana Kreuk picking up the ball. We quickly formed a line at the scrimmage line to give Lana protected route to the unholies side of the field. The brave Eva Gabrielle had the hardest task of guarding our weak left flank but she did well although forcing a blitzing Tomb Guardian stop its run after being pushed back once. She had given us just enough time to break the Hooligan line which we did. I led the run through the gap and deep into Hooligang side and Lana followed. Other Kittens spread out next to Lana, making it nearly impossible for the Hooligangs to get to her. The new linewoman Sandra was knocked out while keeping the unholies at bay but that did not matter, as we had cleared a route for Lana and she ran it true ending the run with a touchdown that gave us 2-0 lead.
We once again lined up for the third kick-off of the game and kicked the ball away. The kick landed right next to the Hooligan left sideline and the unholies started their last effort. Amunis Khopis, the remaining Throw-ra, managed to pick up the ball but that didn't seem to interest anyone. The unholies were just trying to lay waste to our frontline but their efforts were not rewarded as my courageous Cougar Kittens dug in and did not give an inch. We soon had a control of the center field so the Throw-ra decided to try for our half with a run hugging the left sideline. There was also a Tomb Guardian guarding the run. But as the mummy was too slow, he stumbled on his own legs and went crashing down while trying to keep up with the Throw-ra. That gave us a chance and it was all we needed. Kristin blitzed a skeleton down and then ran in just in time to give support for Eva who was blocking the ball-carrying Throw-Ra. She struck true and both the Throw-ra and ball fell to the ground. Unfortunately Eve soon followed them, as the Hooligangs stormed for the ball. But they would not succeed, as Kristin once again proved that she may some day become on of the greatest Amazons ever to play the game of Blood Bow. She dodged once, dodged twice, picked up the ball, dodged again, ran a few feet and then launched a nice and perfect throw towards Teri Susan who had cleared an unoccupied space for herself with the help of some other Kittens. Teri caught the ball which practically ended the game. We were too far from the end zone and the second half was almost at an end. Hooligangs had no chance nor interest for the ball and therefore there would be just some half-effort blocks and blitzes for the rest of the half. Hooligans got nothing out of that, but our brave linewoman Maria managed to get one of the skeletons badly hurt with her lightning fast block. And then the whistle blew and we celebrated. We had won the touchdowns 2-0 and what was the most important to me, we also won the casualties 5-0. My heart rejoiced and my hunger was satisfied for a moment.

After this somewhat one-sided commentary from the star-player Zara, here's are the at least somewhat more objective off-character comments: Staffan had no luck with the block dice, there were lot of push backs and only an occasional knock-down. I on the other hand had more than decent luck with the dice and especially Zara's stabs were murderous, she got 3 casualties out of them. On the first half Staffan had mis-click which caused a skeleton to try a failed dodge. This gave me a one die blitz on the ball-carrier, and I got it without even having to use a reroll. Then the ball scattered out of bounds and ended up in a good spot for me. That practically ended the first half. At the start of second half I managed to get a man advantage on the very first turn with Zara's stab which helped in getting a fast TD. Being 2-0 Staffan had to take some risks and the bad dice struck again. Good game from Staffan nevertheless. And sorry about the Tomb Guardian.
Matches / Re: Valhalla Cup Match 10
August 01, 2011, 12:48:33 PM
Quote from: staffan on July 31, 2011, 10:30:23 PM
Hello J-Reedy !
I am back. Lets make it on wednesday at 20 Swe-time !

So shall it be, Wednesday at 20.00 the courageous Cougar Kittens will test their mettle against your Hooligans! May the prettiest team win ;)