Quote from: J-Reedy on June 26, 2013, 07:37:07 AMQuote from: equilibri on June 26, 2013, 12:40:11 AM
Its time for u to kick my Dark Elves!
When can u play?
I think thursday around 19:00 is a good time for me, how about you?
Hi Equilibri. Just to let you know that Bantha (Mr. B on the forums) is not playing this season. His team is just a filler because we have to have even number of teams. So you'll get an automatic 2-0 win from this week. That means that you'll also get SPP from two mvps and two tds assigned to your players randomly. Hope they hit the right players as you've had lousy luck with the deaths this season.
Hahaha! I knew something was wrong when nobody posted a challenge... Everybody usually do that quickly... :D
Hopefully my MVP:s will give me something to be happy about!
Thanx for the info!