
Started by hakos, January 22, 2023, 05:49:02 PM

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Time to collect my NUL history here. Nice initative from J-Reedy

S1 to S6: Did not know about NUL

S7: Getingarna, Humans, 8 teams, result: 1-0-6
First season, started with rookie team vs experienced teams. 1-6 in matches. Which included a quarterfinal loss versus Barmution where he killed 4 of my players. Yep, nice NUL welcome.

S8: Getingarna, Humans, 10 teams, result: 5-1-3
Much better season, ended 2nd in the regular season but lost the quarterfinal versus Tags in overtime (T18).

S9: Opa Gangnam Style, Necromantics, 10 teams, result: 2-1-3
Worked in Shanghai during this season so I played all matches in the middle of the night. Lost 0-2 in the quarterfinal versus Barmution

S10: Opa Gangnam Style, Necromantic, 8 teams, result: 1-2-4
No play-offs this season, I probably ended last so I was happy with that

S11: Opa Gangnam Style, Necromantic, 8 teams, result: 4-1-3 and CHAMPION
First attempt at fluff writing by starting the season with an edition of NUL gazette. Managed to reach 2nd place in regular season due to better TD difference vs 3rd place. Won the final 1-0 versus Barmution. Yay, winning a NUL season and beating my nemesis Barmution in the process (had 6 losses versus him before this game).