MD 2

Started by tags, July 20, 2024, 01:29:13 PM

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Match day 2 is on!

(Jaiseri has a bye this round)


In'deir second match o'da season The Orks faced off against da migh'y Da'k elfs of Ledder an' Blood.

Da leddery ones sta'ted on'da offense an' pressed 'ard down da left flank wi' The Orks tryin'ta pressure'em eider into scorin' or losin' da ball. Da pale skin'd Elfs fought 'ard an'valiantly playin' da clock down, bu'eventually on turn 7 dey were forced'ta score wi'da risk o'losin' da ball growin' ev'ry second az The Orks kept closin'in on'da ball carria.
The Orks 'ad 2 turns to go'an' score'da eekvalizer an'it seemd' az Nuffle 'imself was callin' da play from'da sidelines az The Orks fi'st secured'a strong cage position thru'da middle an'den just az'da clock was runnin' down dey broke thru'da defense line an' rush'd da match tyin' touchdown. 1-1 at 'alf time.

It was The Orks' turn'ta attack in'da second 'alf an' dere was no'urry. Even though dere were no playas missin' from'da Da'k Elfs line up afta'da first 'alf, The Orks put enuff pressur to advance thru'da middle wi'a strong cage. And even though da ball wasn't protected propa'like at some point, failin'at critical points  kept'da Da'k Elfs from claimin'da ball. At'da end of'da 'alf da ball carryin' blitza Hebyr 'Filthy Fangs' mad'a 'eroic dash fo'it, thinkin'e was in'da clea' an'out of reach from anyone. But like lightnin' from'a clea'sky, out of'da blue a Da'k Elf runna dodged away from'da orcs markin'im an' 'eroically blitzd' Hebyr against all oddz. Da ball bounced off'da pitch an'in to'da reach of a Da'k Elf lino 'oo picked it up in an attemp'ta throw it down da pitch ta save da draw fo'da Da'k Elfs.
But Nuffle 'ad a dif'rent script fo'da endin of'da match az Sokur 'Weakling', one o' The Orks' blitzas intacepted'da pass, an' wi'just moments ta spare ran'da ball in fo'da winnin' touhdown.

2-1 fo' The Orks just at da last moment!

In a pos'match intaview Sokur 'Weakling' said 'e didn't unda'stand 'e catched'da ball at fi'st, bu'den 'e 'eard som'un yell: "Run Forrest, run!" an'e did just that.


Hi Hakos,

Sorry for tha late reply to you message on Discord but I'm not on vacation yet and things are busy with 2 of our 5 person office being on vacation. That also means that my available game times are bit limited, but here goes (CEST as is the norm):
- Wednesday 17-20
- Saturday 18-late
- Sunday 8-20

Let me know if any of those suits you, sir!


Quote from: J-Reedy on July 23, 2024, 07:41:04 AMHi Hakos,

Sorry for tha late reply to you message on Discord but I'm not on vacation yet and things are busy with 2 of our 5 person office being on vacation. That also means that my available game times are bit limited, but here goes (CEST as is the norm):
- Wednesday 17-20
- Saturday 18-late
- Sunday 8-20

Let me know if any of those suits you, sir!

We could try on Wednesday 17 /Hakos


Quote from: hakos on July 23, 2024, 06:09:41 PMWe could try on Wednesday 17 /Hakos

It's a date, mate.


Match played between vacation coach working team and working coach vacation team.

The dudes won 2-1.

First half the humans elected to attack and scored a quick two turner TD by simply going straight forward through the elven lines.

Elves then managed to score in turn 7 after a bit of back and forth, switching sides and eventually dodging away from all humans. Just as elves do.

Second half the elves were on the attack but this time the humans did manage to retrieve the ball from them. There were notably fewer elves on the field in the second half which did make the task much easier. A block heavy team facing a newbie team does have a clear advantage here. The winning TD came with only one turn left on the clock so it was not easy. Just easier.

Morg N'Thorg helped the elves and singlehandedly caused havoc on the human side and turned this into an excting game. He and Rasputin (the human ogre) faced off multiple times to see who was the toughest ogre. It was sort of equal, although Rasputin had to use a bit of help to achieve that.

Thanks for the game J-Reedy



The Unalived 0 - 1 Made of Iron

With the help of Morg'n'Thorg, the dwarves manhandled the deadies throughout the entire match, starting early with several removals. Well played Lars!