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Messages - Gnaarkill

Sign Up! / Re: Season 53 - The Second Blood...?
June 17, 2024, 12:46:46 AM
After some minor technical difficulties. The Shunned have gotten their shit together for another season of Blood Bowl!
New Sponsors, new equipment and alot of Bolt Cola *TM, will make sure, NUL Season 53 will be a huge success!

NUL Season 52 / Re: MD8
April 25, 2024, 11:00:13 PM
Quote from: Mr B on April 25, 2024, 04:41:24 PMDude.. a mouse cost like 70kr at Biltema

Yes sure!

A mouse and keyboard is like 150kr at Biltema. It just feels so unnecessary to buy it, just to play of two more matches...

I will sit out next season anyway since, as ive mentioned, we will start renovating soon anyway.

Im out of town tomorrow. Will be back on Sunday. Ill buy the damn thing and finish of the season xD

Im so fucking fed up playing with this shit setup though!

Bah, enough of me ranting... lets finish this =)
Ill update you, Saitani, once I know when i can play :)
NUL Season 52 / Re: MD8
April 25, 2024, 03:33:30 PM
Quote from: Saitani on April 21, 2024, 04:52:47 PMGnarly gnar gnar im can play our game any evning from 18.00 this week.

Hey Buddy!

Im kind of hooked up in a bad spot right now. During the week I was on a working trip, where I lost my wireless mouse.
This is also the mouse and dongle I use for my desktop at home.
We are going to renovate the living room this summer, to put up our real desktop stations, but until then, my computer is hooked up to the TV.

It's been a mess playing that way, but it is manageable. Without a wireless mouse and keyboard though, its not gonna happen!

I have mailed the place where I forgot the mouse, hopefully they will send it back :)

From my point of view I have two options here.
Bail out this season, and probably the next aswell. I will do that either way. Finishing our living room to get a prober desktop to work with.

Or, wait and see if my mouse will be found and continue the two remaining matches this season. And then retire for a couple of seasons.
I will be back though, no question about it!!
NUL Season 52 / Re: MD6
March 25, 2024, 11:28:11 PM

A little to late for a lengthy report here.
But to summarize.

The star player for this match was surely the ever fouling gobbo of the Whaag Whaag - team!
Taking out the Shunned's big ogre Techno Viking in round 1 followed by a relentless beating on the minotaur Track2, who only survived thanks to the half time bell.
The gobbo, he who shall not be named, nuffle forbid, continued his crusade to annihilate the Shunned from the face of the Old World. Through clever methods and inner circle connection the sneaky git of course had a deal with the ref, who, mind you, also is of goblin heritage... surprise mother fu...

Futile tries to send of the little green menace only made it more obvious that the whole match was staged.
The Shunned can count themselves lucky to come away with a draw.
I wonder how many fat pocketed goblin bosses will go to the Blorcs asking for a refund on this one?

GG Jaiseri-man! :D

NUL Season 52 / Re: MD5
March 12, 2024, 05:02:58 PM

You ready for some Old Skool Cool?
I bring the warez, you bring the team! :D

My OK starting times (CET) are:
Thursday: 20 - 21
Friday: 19 - late
Saturday: 14 - 17 something, i am flexible :)
Sunday: 09 - 11 and 19 - 21
Monday: 19 - 21
Tuesday: 20 - 21

Holla if you see any time that you prefer!

NUL Season 52 / Re: MD4
March 04, 2024, 02:34:29 PM
Quote from: J-Reedy on March 04, 2024, 02:19:18 PMAlrighty G-man, time for new week and new availability info! Here are my possible CET start times for foreseeable future:
- Tuesday/Wednesday 17.30-21
- Thursday 18-20
- Saturday/Sunday should be totally free but I need to visit the family on one of the days, so would appreaciate early booking to get the weekend planning going.

So, let me know if any of those suits you, sir!

Hey J-man!
Sorry for the absence! Last week was VERY busy!

I dont mind the smell, can you imagine the smell of a whole room filled to the brink with guys hacking CabalVision, drinking Bolt Cola and eating BanPizza? We will feel just like home!

How about wednesday @20? :)

NUL Season 52 / Re: MD3
February 22, 2024, 04:43:08 PM
Quote from: hakos on February 20, 2024, 07:44:18 PMSaturday, 10, would be perfect for me /hakos

Cool, for me aswell! :)

See you on saturday, buddy!

NUL Season 52 / Re: MD3
February 19, 2024, 11:14:49 AM
Hey Hakos!

New week, new opportunities :D

My OK starting times are:

Monday (today): 20 - 21
Tuesday: 21
Wednesday: 20 - 21
Thursday: 20 - 21
Friday: No go
Saturday: 09 - 10
Sunday: 09 - 10 or 20 - 21

NUL Season 52 / Re: MD3
February 12, 2024, 11:33:38 AM
Quote from: hakos on February 11, 2024, 05:36:15 PMHello Gnaar

Next week looks good for some BB3 action. Can play on monday, thursday and friday evening. Also next weekend looks fully open right now. Anything that suits you?


Yo Hakos!

Thursday or Friday is good options for me.
Maybe Thursday @20?

NUL Season 52 / Re: Match Day 1
February 02, 2024, 10:03:38 AM
Ehm yea, after the somewhat confusing match arrangements. Coach Gnaarkill finally made it, facing the right finn, Memofin! ^^

Match ended in a 1-1 draw, which in all honesty probably would have been a win for the Dark Elves if not for nuffle, not minding his own bussiness :'D
It was 1's galore when coach Memo were brave enough to try those 2+ dodges and rushes, effectively stopping the Druuchis field movement.

Fun match though!
Really enjoying the new BB3 format. The matches are much more fluid I think. It pressures people to play more effectively and also heightens the risk of making tactical mistakes. Great stuff!

GG Memo!

Giggling Gloomstalkers 1-1 The Shunned

NUL Season 52 / Re: Match Day 1
January 25, 2024, 09:10:40 AM
Alrighty J-R!

Gotta stop this Finnvasion before it gets outta' hand.
Figured I'll start with the root of the problem and the others surely will crackle! ;)

I can play:

Thursday (today): 19 - 21
Friday: 19 - 22
Sunday: 19 - 21
Monday: 19 - 21
Tuesday: 19 - 21

Times in CET mind you!

/Gnaar <3
Sign Up! / Re: Season 52 - The Third Blood
January 16, 2024, 03:44:53 PM
I will be joining with Chaos Renegades, cuz they were great fun! :D

NUL Season 51 / Re: Match Day 7
January 08, 2024, 09:14:21 PM

The season ender.
NUL will now officially move over to the new ruleset and explore new frontiers. Bigger, better, badder.

Rumours tell of smaller fields, spikier balls and greedier referees. Exciting times indeed for our NUL coaches...

"- Oh, right the match between Lonely Lovers and Bitter Stink Stars, what was your question again? Who won?
Skaven, yea the rats won."

"-You know what, I gotta go. I have a bigger paycheck to cash in over at the new Blood Bowl Association, see you around oldies!"


NUL Season 51 / Re: Match Day 6
December 20, 2023, 10:25:35 PM
First of all I just have to acknowledge the excellent match report of the report master himself! Mr. J-Reedy!
Well done friend! Big up!

Now, on to the draw game between norscas own power girls and the stinky rats, calling themselves stars...
At one point, the rats had the lead of 1-3. Coach Lazer never gave up though and continued to power through the match. A wise decision when you know you have the 12th player in the stands.
A great homecrowd both rowdy and loud started both a riot and a pitch invasion, which made a great opportunity for the Amazonians to try and go for the equalizer. Which they did and succeeded in doing.
Well played Lars-man!

NUL Season 51 / Re: Match Day 6
December 18, 2023, 04:20:17 PM

Im bringing the glögg and tomteluva, bring your pepparkaka and julskinka and lets get this x-mas special kick-off going! HO Ho Ho!

I can blood bowl pretty much all week after 19.00. Except for friday, saturday and sunday.
If this week isnt a possibility for you, next week is pretty open for me aswell.
