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Topics - J-Reedy

Schedule / Match Day 1 - Matches
June 02, 2013, 12:20:15 PM
All Right, Blood Bowl server is up again and we have our first match day of season 11 ready to go! Here are the matchups:

Game on!
Sign Up! / SEASON 11 Sign-up!
May 13, 2013, 10:20:58 AM
All right, the glorious 11th season of NUL is looming ahead. Sign up in this thread and inform your friends!

Here are the specs for season 11:
- No TV limits, you can bring along any team that you've used in previous NUL seasons or create new team.
- As there will probably be mix of new/old teams, it would probably be fair to have playoffs after the regular season so that new teams would have even a snowball's chance to make it.
- Let's try to get the 11th season going in two weeks, so that would be by Monday May 27th at the latest.

Signed-up players - teams:
- Barmution - Druchii Smuchii Schmoo / Mad Science Fair / Insane Crazyness
- Kvasilad - The Partly Animals
- Lars - Chaotic Dudes
- Hakos - Getingarna / Opa Gangnam Style
- johoohno - Radioaktiv
-?? The Golden Arrow ??
(- J-Reedy - Cougar Kittens / Wolf-Whistlers / Delfins)
Schedule / Season 10 Match day 7
May 08, 2013, 04:24:28 AM
Alright. One more match day to go!

I'll try to get the thread for next season up this week but no guarantees. I'm in middle of translating a game at work and it's crunch time now with the game's release date approaching.
Schedule / Season 10 Match Day 6 - MATCHES
April 27, 2013, 02:16:42 PM
And another match week bites the dust so here are the new matchups for week 6!
Schedule / Season 10 Match Day 5 - MATCHES
April 13, 2013, 08:50:52 PM
OK, I'm putting the day 5 match thread up ahead of time as I'll be in London from 19th to 22nd and you should probably get day 4 done somewhere at that time.

Schedule / Season 10 Match Day 3 - MATCHES
April 06, 2013, 02:40:48 PM
And the seasons keeps on rolling along nicely like a deathroller on a snotling carpet. Keep up the good work!
Here are the day 3 mashups:
Schedule / Season 10 Match Day 2 - Matches
March 30, 2013, 07:47:52 AM
First match was played extra fast, props to everyone. Here are the matchups for the second day:

Game on!
Schedule / Season 10 Match Day 1 - MATCHES
March 23, 2013, 06:54:40 PM
- Hey, Mack. Did'ya hear the new NUL seasons is starting this week. Ya'wanna go see a game with me?
- Nay, Donnyboy, didn't hear that! Of course I'll come, nothing beats seeing a decent NUL beating. And little flesh of course - so when are the Cougar Kittens playing?
- They aren't, no amazon teams this season.
- Crap. What teams are there then?
- Well, if yar yarning for a bit of flesh, yar best bet would be The Partly Animals, they have their wardancer duo, ya'know. At least in their first game against the rookie dwarf team Axe and Anvil. Don't know how many of the wood folk will be left after that game, especially if the dwarfs manage to sneak in some axes onto the field.
- Oh, bad matchup, those elf types tend to trip on the beards of those little buggers. Hmm, that's not my cup of bloodweiser, I don't like one-sided violence. What's the heaviest-hitting game on the first round?
- Easy, that's the Chaotic dudes at the Mad Science Fair affair.
- So, little chaos folk against big ones. That might be too violent for me, I get squeemish every time a dwarf blocker hits on beastman, they tend to hit too low and I had that issue in the sauna last year - ya'remember, got my privie parts stuck between that crack in the bench. So I gets evil flashbacks everytime one of the blockers makes a "beastly beastman ballcracker bash" play.
- Oh, yeah, I remember, heard yar scream all the way from next door. Well, how about the rookie underworld team Radioaktiv! versus the Warpstone maniaks?
- Skavens against skavens and gobly types... Do the Radioaktiv have a Troll? Would be interesting to see some gobbo tossing.
- Sure do, his name... hmmm, I guess it's a he... otherwise he wouldn't be a trolly but a trollop... So anyways, he's called Beck.. Bek... Becquerel.
- Right, that could be an interesting matchup. Fast play, guaranteed violence 'cause if the trolly don't catch the opposing rats, he'll surely get hungry from running after the rats and might grap a side snack of gobbo from his teammates. But just to make sure, what other games are there?
- Just one left, more gobbos, rookie goblins Dueling Banjos 'gainst the Opa Gangnam Style. Banjos got a pair of trollies, DingaSinga and BazBux.
- Two trollies in a goblin team, that might be the deliverance that they need to win any games. Opa's golems sure will have a hard time against them. Don't know Donnyboy, I'm torn between this one and the the rat-hacking game. Which one d'ya fancy?
-All the same to me, let's think about it when we walk to the ticketing booth. We better get the tickets soon before they run out, word about the town is this is going to be a smoking hot season.
- Oh, so they've allowed the selling of Ear Smoking Pepper Seasoning Hot Weredoggyweaners at the stands this year?
- Sure have.
Game on gentle and less gentle players! Remember, new match week begins on Mondays and you should can this thread to agree on time of play with your opponent. You can of course also use chat or any other means, but always mention here when you've settled on a game.

Here are matchups:

Sign Up! / SEASON 10 SIGN-UP
March 05, 2013, 08:50:21 AM
OK, let's kick-off with the Season 10 Sign-up. Sorry for being a bit inactive lately, I've had a lot of chewy stuff on my real-life plate lately. Related to this, I'm probably (80 % chance) have to take a summer break from NUL but I'm in for the season 10.

So let's start the sign-up for Season X of NUL! You should know the drill by now, let us know:
1) if you're in for the season 10
2) and if you'd prefer using a previous team or starting a new team.

I'll probly continue with the darkie elfs.

Here's the official stuff:

- League structure will be decided during week 11 by the March 17th.
(NOTE that we might get delayed by a week or so due to the forum down-time)
- League will be played with normal 1 match week per 1 real-time week pace.

1: Create an account on this forum. Note that due to high activity from spam-bots, admins have to approve your account before you can post here. This shouldn't take longer than a day.
2: Post a reply in this thread that you want to join.
3: Read the "Essential rules" section HERE and post a reply in that thread that you have understood the rules.
4: The admin team will add you on the participant list in this post.

And as per last season, we will have to see how many participants we will be before deciding how to construct the season. These will be the basic guidelines:
- New coaches will naturally start with fresh teams.
- Old and ancient coaches may use their "old" Valhalla or Ulls (season 4 or earlier) teams, fish-seasoned (seasons 5 through 9 teams or fresh teams.
- Depending on the ratio of new/old teams, there may be Team Value (TV) limit for old teams.
- If there are lots of new teams, they will be divided into league/division of their own so that they won't get trampled by the veteran teams.

NOTE that as discussed in this thread, we'll be enforcing the rule that if you don't show up to play a game on agreed time, you'll forfeit the game with an 2-0 admin loss to your opponent who is waiting for you.

Coaches/teams signed up for season 10:
- J-Reedy - Finned Marine Mammals (DElf)
- Hakos - Getingarna (human but not humane) / Opa Gangnam Style (Necro) / new team
- Mr. B. - new team
- Kerrai - new team
- Barmution - Mad Science Fair (ChaD)
- Lars - Chaotic Dudes (Chaos) / new team
- Kvasilad - The Partly Animals (WElf) / Disorganized Dudes (Chaos) / new team
- Gnaarkill - Warpstoned Maniaks (Skaven)
- Johoohno - new team
February 19, 2013, 08:15:18 PM
Ladies, gentlemen and trolls, here they are, the four team waging blood bowl for the NUL season 9 CHAMPIONSHIP!

Play on gentlemen! And chaosfolks. And smaller chaosfolks. And dead folks. And rotten folks. Feeder is set up for you.
All right! The last day of Feeder and 1st round of Ull's qualification playoffs are up! Here are the matchups:

Schedule / Season 9 - Day 5 MATCHES
January 22, 2013, 09:02:46 AM
Feeder matches:

And here are the final Ull's matches for regular season. Remeber that 4 teams continue to two rounds of playoffs and the winner of playoffs gets slaughtered... to play with the the feeder teams:
Schedule / SEASON 9 - Day 4 MATCHES
January 08, 2013, 08:07:17 AM
All right, new year & new match week is up! Here they are:


Schedule / Season 9 - DAY 3 MATCHES
December 21, 2012, 04:20:59 AM
And another extremely fast match week, so we're off to week 3:



Sorry for the lack of stories but I've been busy at work and playing Sandy Claws' little helper.
Schedule / Season 9 - DAY 2 MATCHES
December 16, 2012, 04:24:22 PM
Nice going everyone and especially Golden who crammed in two games this week! Here are the week 2 matchups:

COULD EVERYONE ALSO PLEASE COMMENT how xmas will affect your playing schedule, so we'll get some idea if we should extend week 3 schedule.
I won't be able to play (or do any computer stuff) from Sunday 23rd to about 26th but then I'll have rest of the week off and can play almost anytime.

Schedule / Season 9 - DAY 1 MATCHES
December 12, 2012, 06:07:23 AM
And here are the matchups for the week 1. The deadline for the week will be flexible as we got a mid-week start. So try to get the matches played by Wednesday next week at the latest but let's aim for getting the week over by Monday so we can get to normal Monday schedule.

Here are the Feeder matchups:

And here's Ull:

Schedule / Season Calendar
December 12, 2012, 06:03:27 AM
Just the full schedule here for easier matchup checking.


Ull's Pasture:
Schedule / FINAL
November 20, 2012, 03:35:57 AM

It'll be the brave wood elfs and one giant log going against the sandy & dead. What Sandy is doing with a bunch of skeletons is a mystery to everybody. What? Oh, not Sandy but sandy... right. Well, that ruins the intro. Anyways, it looks like The Partly Animals will me missing their witch elf Amy Winemouse and one line-elf. But health-wise they're still better off than the Drop Dead Gorgeus that have nothing but dead people on their roster. Surprisingly the DDG will still be fielding all of their boneys. Who will win? Nobody knows but he ain't telling.

P.S. Watching my 49ers beat the *** out of Da Bears as we speak. It's 0 to 17 in the 2nd and a little over 10 yards to go for another score... Life is good.
Sign Up! / Season 9 SIGN-UP
November 18, 2012, 09:03:33 AM
NUL Season 8 will soon be finished, so it's time to get cracking with the preparations for SEASON 9.

- Season 8 should be finished November 26th.
- League structure will be decided during week 48 by the December 2nd.
- League will be played with normal 1 match week per 1 real-time week pace.

1: Create an account on this forum. Note that due to high activity from spam-bots, admins have to approve your account before you can post here. This shouldn't take longer than a day.
2: Post a reply in this thread that you want to join.
3: Read the "Essential rules" section HERE and post a reply in that thread that you have understood the rules.
4: The admin team will add you on the participant list in this post.

And as per last season, we will have to see how many participants we will be before deciding how to construct the season. These will be the basic guidelines:
- New coaches will naturally start with fresh teams.
- Old and ancient coaches may use their "old" Valhalla or Ulls (season 4 or earlier) teams, fish-seasoned (seasons 5 through 8) teams or fresh teams.
- Depending on the ratio of new/old teams, there may be Team Value (TV) limit for old teams.
- If there are lots of new teams, they will be divided into league/division of their own so that they won't get trampled by the veteran teams.

Here's a list of confirmed participants/teams from the previous sign-up thread:

- J-Reedy - old/new team, maybe old
- Kvasilad - Old team preferred
- The Golden Arrow - new team, underworld
- Barmution - new team, chaos dwarf
- Gnaarkill - new team, underworld/skaven/?
- Lars - old team, Chaotic Dudes
- Hakos - old/new team
- Luiggi - old/new team, new team maybe Ogre
- Mr. B - old team, Drop Dead Gorgeous
Schedule / SEMI-FINALS - Matches
November 10, 2012, 03:50:27 PM
And the semis are here! Here are the matchups:

No Blood Bowl Gazette yet. I got inspired and used up all my writing time for the SSD-Kittens match report