
Started by tags, May 26, 2024, 04:29:19 PM

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All right, the final rankings for NUL Season 52 are as follows:

Given our league structure, we will have semi-finals and and a final when we are 10+ teams, which we are for this season.

This means that the semi-final match-ups will be:
- The Unalived vs Dazzling Dudes
- Old Skool Orks vs Giggling Gloomstalkers

Competition has been created, called "Season 52 Playoffs" within the NUL League. Passowrd is 'nul'.


All right! All teams joined, seems the schedule is set up correctly and the competition started (who did that? Thanks anyway :D).

So Hakos, how's your week looking? I can do most evenings this week, although I'd prefer to get a round of disc golf in when the weather allows. So my preference is CET 21 start, but I can make exceptions for sure.


The Orks go thru to'da finalz!!!

Da Gloomies started on'da offense but The Orks forced'em to score early in'da 'alf. Wid plenty o'time on'da clock The Orks managed to tie da game before 'alf time.

Da second 'alf started bad fo' The Orks as da Gloomies blitzed da ball on'da kick-off scoring a quick lead once again. Now The Orks started chargin' down'da pitch to equalize, but were forced to score da equalizer wid time left on'da clock as da Gloomies got in range to blitz da ball carrier on'da next turn.

Now da match waz tied an' az The Orks kickt da ball to da Gloomies, dey managed to blitz da ball an' grab it wid a chance to win da match before ova'time. Da Gloomies 'ad to turn back an' run fast to defend da tie, but Nuffle decided to inta'fere in'da form of an untied bootlace causin'a failed rush in'da kritical moment. The Orks den ran'da ball to'da en'zone just before da whissle blew da'end of'da match, makin' it 3-2 for The Orks.

In'a post-match inta'view wid da 'ead coach of The Orks 'e said: "Da team scored mor'goals dan casualties! Itz a weird feelin', some'ow un-natural. orcs're ment'to maim opponents, no'to score goals. Da 'hole world'z goin'down da crappa!".


Second semi-final played!

Unalived chose to receive, scored early (turn 3). Was I too cocky, though? Seemed like it, because Hakos was able to quite comfortably both beat me up and score the equalizer. Still two turns left, I was close to getting the go-ahead, but the first half ended 1-1.

Second half was a bash-fest, and the ball was stripped from both sides multiple times on multiple spots on the field. In the end, however, one of my ghouls got away with it, and although it was contested, he made the final dodge away in turn 16 to score just before extra time.

Well played Hakos, see you next season!


The Orks 'ave wun da champin'ship!

Afta' a tite an'defensiv' match against da Unalived The Orks win 1-0. Scorin' on'deir defensiv' turn The Orks didn't 'ave'ta press too'ard ta score on'da second'alf an'dey focused on markin' da ball an'keeping it out'of reach from da three potential ball carria's for da stiffs. Nuffle showed everyone dat green is'is favorit color as da stiffs went from mis'ap ta mis'ap thruout da match.

Da 'eadcoach of The Orks 'ad stolen a few sacks o'gold somewhere an'ired da infamous Morg N' Throrg ta bring fea' into'da lifeless 'earts of'da stiffs, an' Morg didn't fail. 'E swung'is tree trunk-like arms left an' right sendin' da stiffs playa's flyin' thru'da air, usually landin' off'da pitch.

Da stiffs went on'da attack first an' got a strong start wen'dey CAS'd one of'da linemen of The Orks immediatly afta'da kick off. Lookin' fo'da quik goa'ead goal dey stormed down deir right flank sendin' several scorin'threats downfield. Tauntin' an' teasin' wi'da scorin' threats downfield dey managed to move a cage almost to scorin'range. By now The Orks 'ad rearranged deir ranks an' regrouped fo'da defense, CAS'ing two players off'da field an' slowin'da cage to a 'alt forcing a ball carria' blitz leavin'im exposed fo'a counta' blitz. At dis moment The Orks closed in on'da stiffs an' blitzed da ball carria' down markin'da fallen ball wi'a coupla playa's. Da stiffs cleard'da two players away from'da ball an' deir ball carria' jumped up as quickly as if'e 'ad neva'been prone at all an' scooped da ball an' mad'a run for'it towards The Orks' en'zone down deir left flank. Dey tried'ta run a coupla playa's downfield to protect da ball carria' but only one of'em made it while da other one was tackled down while dodging. The Orks reacted quickly an' swarmed da ball carria' blitzin'im down an' some'ow Vurak 'Eat dead', da Big'Un blocker, managed'ta catch da ball in da midst of all da confusion. Da stiffs tried desperately ta run more playa's ta aid da goal scora' ghoul but Vurak didn't let go of da ball even when 'e was shoved against'da sideline. Den disaster struck! Da stiffs' goal scora' ghoul mad'a desperate blitz ta push Vurak into da crowd, succeedin' ta do so. But da crowd 'ad decided dat da stiffs wouldn't score an' threw'da ball all'da way to da left side of'da pitch where dere were only two orcs as all undead players 'ad put pressure on the otha side of'da pitch. Da rest of The Orks marked all da stiffs while Ghorghor 'Blood for Blood' picked up da ball an' ran down deir left flank unopposed. Da rest of'da 'alf was spent wi'da players bashin' each other tryin' to gain an advantage fo'da second 'alf, and den finally Ghorghor scored wha' would turn out to be da champin'ship goal.

Da second 'alf saw The Orks on'da attack wi'a 1-0 lead from da first 'alf. Dey sta'ted advancin' down deir left flank, an' afta' a succesful blitz on one of'da mummy's dey attempted to foul'im out of'da match. Unfortunately da referee saw da foul an' sent da orc lineman off. Dat turned da tide a bit fo'da stiffs an'dey succeeded in removin' anotha playa of The Orks off'da pitch. At dis point The Orks were forced to turn back an' attempt to swing to deir right flank as the left flank 'ad been completely shut down. Da situation looked promisin' for The Orks but da stiffs managed'ta set up an uncertain defense an' stopped The Orks from breakin' away. Da defense of'da stiffs 'eld until da end an'dey succeeded in preventin' The Orks from scorin' more goals. Unfortunately for dem as dey couldn't score an equaliza' demselves The Orks won da match, an' da NUL champin'ship for Season 52, 1-0.

In a post-match interview with the head coach of The Orks, Atte had this to say:
"We won! We won! We're gonna get Ghorghor golden cleets as a reward for'dis! I always say 'The Orks 'it 'ard, The Orks win.' Now all see it's true! VIOLENCE AND BLOODSHED!
The interview was cut short as The Orks took their head coach and threw him in a huge barrel of Bugman's Best. He's now been beneath the surface for five minutes and the surface has gone down 10 inches, maybe he can drink his way out of this after all. Or die a happy orc...


Congratz to the champ! Looks like Old Skoolers are hitting their groove!


Seemed like a real grudge match with a lot of hard hitting and nerve wrecking moments.

Congratulations to the win Atte, well deserved!