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Messages - J-Reedy

Schedule / Re: S18 - Match Day 10
March 13, 2015, 04:42:08 AM
Da Beatmores would like to offer their condolances for Disworld Allstars for the loss of their muse and namer. A true master of lyrics and father of music with rocks in it was lost tonight. But as ever, even in the end the master knew how to make the exit like a true author:
Terry Pratchett's Twitter

He will be missed.
Schedule / Re: S18 - Match Day 10
March 09, 2015, 04:31:49 AM
Quote from: Mr B on March 08, 2015, 06:14:09 PM
Hmm lets try Wednesday then.. starting as always 21 cet Isch...will that do?
Hopefully you will get better then, right?

Yep, Wednesday at around somewhere like 21 CET sounds fine. Should be fine by then, I woke up at normal time today and the flu has almost passed, nothing but a runny nose and a bit of a sore throat left now.
Schedule / Re: S18 - Match Day 10
March 08, 2015, 04:12:15 PM
Yo, Mr. B. I'm battling a flu and jetlag right now, so I haven't been awake much lately. But both of those nuisances seem to be passing, so me thinks I should be able to play on following times (CET):
- Tuesday 19-21.30
- Wednesday 19-21.30
- Friday 20->

Let me know if any of those suits you, sir. More about the weekend later, if nescessary.
Schedule / Re: S18 - Match Day 9
March 05, 2015, 10:41:23 PM
Discworld took a 1-0 victory over Da Beatmores, mainly because the orc players kept wondering about the playing field that was carried around on a back of four elephants. More detailed match report later, too jetlagged to anything else now but to crash to bed.
Schedule / Re: S18 - Match Day 9
March 05, 2015, 08:07:56 PM
Quote from: The Golden Arrow on March 05, 2015, 07:51:31 PM
Quote from: J-Reedy on March 04, 2015, 09:38:47 AM
Quote from: The Golden Arrow on March 04, 2015, 08:57:24 AM
I can't play tonight but could probably play tomorrow night. Does 20.00 work for you?

Yep, that works fine. See you tomorrow!

I will be a little late today because of coming home late from work and having to make food. Will try to make 20.30 but might be closer to 21.

OK, I'm online. I'll check the situation at 20.30 and 10 min intervals from then onwards.
Schedule / Re: S18 - Match Day 9
March 04, 2015, 09:38:47 AM
Quote from: The Golden Arrow on March 04, 2015, 08:57:24 AM
I can't play tonight but could probably play tomorrow night. Does 20.00 work for you?

Yep, that works fine. See you tomorrow!
Schedule / Re: S18 - Match Day 9
March 03, 2015, 03:56:32 PM
OK, I'm back in Finland and to my surprise the match week 9 is still going strong. Looks like the last match is scheduled to be played on Thursday, so TGA, can you play either on Wednesday or Thursday? I'm still off from work this week so almost any time should work for me. If you can't make it, it'll be an admin win for you, that is clear.

BTW, we have to have a league-wide conversation about if and how we should start enforcing stricter time limits? Is one week enough or should it be extended? Ideas? Suggestions?

Now I'm going to go for a walk to try to stay awake, been awake almost 20 hours with 10 hour flight and it's just 17.00 so can't fall asleep now or I'll wake up midnight.
Schedule / Re: S18 - Match Day 8
February 15, 2015, 01:54:56 PM
Wordless. Nothing more to say. How could I start to describe the spectacle I just witnessed? The greatest show on turf, the grooviest tunes on earth and the biggest stars in the universe just collided and produced an experience that can't be topped. I'm of course trying to tell you about the latest gig of Da Beatmores. That alone would be a spectacle to behold but add to that... literally the biggest stars of the wrestling world, the mighty giants from the Ogre Kindoms Wrestling Federation! This was a show of a lifetime, folks. Fab Four started with a set that drove the snottlinettes and ogrettes wild and then the wild wrestlers took the stage in the Blood Bowl match of the century! Honey for our ears, stars for our eyes, what more could one want? You might be curious for some extra insights into the gig and the match, but unfortunately for you dear readers, the experience really can't be described with words. There were leg drops, quitar riffs beyond believe, powerbombs, drum beats that shook the ground, dropkicks, backbreakers, Joinz Lennyn singing "You've Really Got a Hold on Me" while Hulk Ogre was California Crashing him... This was just... MAGNIFICENT!

Nice and friendly BB match where the snotties proved to be the toughest players out there, taking block a turn without even flinching. I got the ball away from Gnaar-man on his offence and picked it up with lucky dodging and agility rolls to score the go-ahead on first half. Second half a pass to a blitzer far behind ogre lines secured the second TD. After that pouring rain started and exremely deep kick gave the Ogres no realistic chance of scoring. Only to casualties and only one of them serious, so the game was indeed friendly. Thanks again for nice game, Gnaarkill!
Schedule / Re: S18 - Match Day 8
February 14, 2015, 10:35:26 AM
Yep, got the message Gnaar-man, Sunday @12 CET it is! See you on the field.
Schedule / Re: S18 - Match Day 8
February 13, 2015, 09:26:16 AM
Hi Gnaarkill! MD 7 is still ongoing but Equi and B-man should play the last remaining game today. So I wanted to ask you about your availability early as I'll be leaving for a vacation Feb 18th and will return on the 3rd so I'd like to get our match played already this weekend if possible.

I should be able to play almost any time on Sunday. Saturday I might have to go to a floorball tournament (depends on the roster situation of my team, we might be short on players and I'll have to be there). But I should be free for a start from 8 to 12 (CET) on Saturday and all day on Sunday. If weekend is not possible, let me know how Monday and Tuesday look for you.
Schedule / Re: S18 - Match Day 7
February 12, 2015, 07:21:40 PM
Another week and another spectacular gig form Da Beatmores, what more can you say. The Fab Four is just spectacular, I mean who else could make high-elven princessettes scream and faint like little school-girls. Well... I guess any typical orcish warband might do that by pillaging a high-elf castle but Da Beatmores do just that with their spectacular singing! However, before we could get to the main attraction, there was a Blood Bowl match before the gig. And what a bore that was, Sarge Pepper just picked up the ball and marched slowly to the endzone to score in the second half. At first the second half promised to be more exciting but then the catcher of the FC Excelcsior dropped a long bomb pass for a certain score and things soon got boring once again. The fabbest of the Fab Four, Gory Hairyson picked up the ball and handed it off to Sarge Pepper who walked to the midfield and stayed there rest of the game watching his band-mates bash elfs down around him. But after the 1-0 borefest was over, the gig began. And oh-boy-oh what a gig that was! Beatmores opened with their new hit single aimed for the elven markets, Lady Elfdonna, which really got the crowd going! The elf lords tried to suppress their daughters' screams and cries in vain as the quartette put out their most beautiful ballads and da'pop hits. And the final song, new ballad that the vocalist/composer/song writer/blitzer Joinz Lennyn performed for Joko Ono, I want you (She's so heavy), got the elfs so moved that I personally witnessed at least three or four elf lords shedding tears.
Da Beatmores never fail to entertain but next week they might blow up the world proper as they'll be traveling to Ogre Kingdoms. The combined star power present is so stunning that there are no words to describe how awesome an experience it must be! I mean, the chance to see Hulk Hogre and Fab Four on the same stage... IIIIIIHHHHH!!!

I started with double-skulls but after a reroll it was clear sailing. I got good dice and looking at stats, Hakos had really bad luck with pows, statistically he should've had 17 but got only 8. First half bunch of elfs got knocked out and passer was injured so I had no trouble walking in a TD at final turn. At the third turn of second half Hakos had a chance to score with a Long Pass but the catch failed and I managed to get the ball to midfield. Could've still been a game at that point but elfs were out of rerolls and their dodge and gfi rolls started coming up as ones, so no chance. Thanks again for the game Hakos and better luck in rest of the games!
Schedule / Re: S18 - Match Day 7
February 09, 2015, 04:41:29 AM
Quote from: hakos on February 08, 2015, 09:05:50 PM

Ah, time for a Classic, elves vs orcs. I can probably play on all the mentioned times. Perhaps we could go for a thursday 17 start?

Stupid elfs, like classic music, da'pop da best, Da Beatmores da best! We show dem da bestest show we gots da bestest set. Pointy ears shouldda go buy da band's new album, "Sarge Pepper's Pointy Ears Clubbing Band". We gots new hit "Think for yourself, elf" in dere. Pointy ears likes the album in or we bash dem pointy ears flat!

Yep, the band is ready, so we'll set up the stage on Thursday and start the match at 17 after another magnificent Fab Four show.

P.S. Another excellent Legends article, I likes them alot!
Schedule / Re: S18 - Match Day 7
February 08, 2015, 05:29:01 PM
Howdy and ho, Hakos. Here are my OK CET starting times for the week:
- Tuesday 18-22
- Thursday 17-20.30
- Friday 19-
- Saturday, all day

Let me know if any of those suits you, sir.
Schedule / Re: S18 - Match Day 6
January 30, 2015, 04:48:33 AM
Da Beatmores - without the question the most popular da'pop band and Blood Bowl team of today - performed this week at the New Boot Stadium. And boy, did they get the crowd going! Not even the pouring rain that lasted throughout the gig and the ensuing BB match could dampen the spectacular set that ended with the hits New Brown Shoe and Navy Blue Suede Shoes. The crowd got so frenzied from the lovely sound of Fab Four that when the band's drummer Ringem Star was pushed off the field in the Blood Bowl match following the spectacular gig, the screaming teen humanettes gave Star such tough love that they broke the drummer' ribs. It's not yet clear if Star will be able to work his magic sticks on Fab Four's next gig but he will definately miss the BB game.
Lack of their drummer did not slow Da Beatmores down as they scored a TD later in the drive and succesfully defended against The Emperor's New Boot's tying attempt even though the frenzied teenettes stormed the field at the kickoff. At the waining minutes of the second half the invisible boot makers however succeeded in scoring a tying TD. So the match ended in a draw but Da Beatmores suffered a loss. That is, they lost one of the trusted bodyguards of Fab Four as the black orc Rocky Raccoon was brutally killed by Sandalf the Wise. Da Beatmores spent no time griefing for this loss but instead put a word out for the need of new bodyguard. Black Orc Bodyguard Hiring Enhancement Agency Distributors responded fast and the teen crowd will be kept in check during band's next gig by the new enforcer, Da Word.

Even fought game where I had the blocking dice but the lack of oomph with the armor and injury dice kept Barm in play. At second half Barm waited for TD chance patiently and then struck at the final turn to score the tying TD. Thanks again for good game, Barmution, and good luck in rest of the games.

I might as well announce now that I'll be away from Feb 18th to March 3rd on a running/vacation trip, so I'll have to forfeit any games that land on those weeks. Looking at the schedule, those will probably be games against TGA and B-man.
Schedule / Re: S18 - Match Day 6
January 29, 2015, 05:51:04 PM
Yo, Barm, just a word of warning. My gaming desktop just decided it doesn't want to boot anymore, had trouble with the power earlier, thought it was due to power supply but now it seems that the motherboard has something busted. However, I should be able to play with my work portable but I'm not sure how well it'll handle BB. But I'm planning on starting the game, just not sure if I'll be able to finish it. I'm working on the desktop diagnosis and tuning my portable right now, I'll let you know if the situation changes and I can't make it.