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Messages - J-Reedy

Schedule / S7 MATCH DAY 5 - CUP ROUND 2
June 03, 2012, 07:35:46 PM
New games up, time to play second cup round:
Schedule / Re: S7 MATCH DAY 4 - CUP ROUND 1
May 29, 2012, 06:11:49 PM
Quote from: hakos on May 29, 2012, 12:41:37 PM
I would prefer thursday but since plans sometimes change, lets go for wednesday at 19 and have thursday in reserve.

So shall it be. Let's aim for the Wed 19 but if anything comes, feel free to change to Thursday as I have nothing else planned for either evening. See ya on the field!
Schedule / Re: S7 MATCH DAY 4 - CUP ROUND 1
May 29, 2012, 05:09:38 AM
Quote from: hakos on May 28, 2012, 08:55:54 PM
Just out of curiosity, how was the groups selected? Seems just one team have moved between the earlier groups?

Not sure about this but it seems that the groups are sorted based on Team Value once again. The ones with the highest TV in the other and the lowest in the other group. So basically Dragon Trainers went past my Wolf-Whistlers in team value and rose to the "sharks" group.

Quote from: hakos on May 28, 2012, 08:55:54 PM
As usual I can play from ~19:00 all evenings from wednesday and forward if I just get a notice one day ahead.

OK, Wednesday and Thursday are the only possible for me as I'll be travelling on Friday and away for the whole weekend. So either Wed or Thu and any time between 19 and 21 will do. Take you pick and let me know.

Thanks for the store info, much appreciated!
Schedule / S7 MATCH DAY 4 - CUP ROUND 1
May 28, 2012, 05:32:10 PM
All righty folks, it looks like we have a Grand Slam as a league type instead of championship due to some client issues. This means that we setup should be as follows: 1) Regular season which we just played, followed by 2) Cup matches and finally 3) playoffs. What this means is that every team gets three additional cup matches before the playoffs IF the client setup doesn't surprise us again.
If anybody has any trouble with this setup, let us know and we'll see what we can do. Otherwise, we shall play the cup matches and then it's on to the playoffs!

Here are the cup matches for the first round:

PS. Are any of you Swedes out there from Stockholm? I'm going to the big S next weekend to run the marathon and I was wondering if there are any good gaming stores / comic book stores out there that I should visit? I know about the Comics Heaven in Gamla stan and I'll be sure to visit it again. I was just wondering if there are any good stores that I don't know about and I thought to tap you for the information :)
Schedule / Re: S7 MATCH DAY 3
May 22, 2012, 05:40:32 AM
Quote from: Barmution on May 21, 2012, 06:18:33 PM
Hey J-Reedy!

A plan got cancelled so I'm keen on a match tomorrow night at 20.30 CEST if it still suits you.

All righty, it's a go-go today at 20.30. See'ya on the field!
Schedule / Re: S7 MATCH DAY 3
May 21, 2012, 08:31:51 AM
Quote from: Barmution on May 21, 2012, 08:14:02 AM
The best times for me are probably Thursday 19.00 and early/late Sunday. I might be able to play tomorrow (tuesday) at 20.30, but it's kind of a long shot so I'll let you know if that option opens up. So let's say Thursday at 19.00 with an option for tomorrow night if possible?

That's a deal. I'll be online tomorrow until about 15.00 and then I'll disappear into woods for few hours, so would be great if you can let me know about tomorrow before that.
Schedule / Re: S7 MATCH DAY 3
May 21, 2012, 04:30:20 AM
OK Barm, time for the dead vs. delf. Here are my OK start times for the week (all times CEST/GMT+2):

- Tuesday 19-20.30
- Wednesday 18-21
- Thursday 18.30-20
- Sat almost any time

Let me know, if any of those suit you, sir. If nescessary, Sunday should also be OK, I'll have one thing to do at some point of the day but that'll take only couple of hours, so I'm open to time suggestions.
Schedule / S7 MATCH DAY 3
May 21, 2012, 04:22:02 AM
Just one more match day before the playoffsy things:
May 19, 2012, 03:42:42 PM
Here ye all! Here are listed THE CHAMPIONS of Norsca Union League! Those teams and coaches who were the most cunning, violent, intelligent and tactically talented of all! (Or it could be that they were simply the luckiest, but we're not judging here.)

The Champions of Season 1: The JUNGLE BOOGIE were the most talented and most boobiest team of them all! The champion amazon team was coached by KRIM NIELSEN!
Somebody must be the second best. This time they were the skaven Physicx coached by FlyingCircus.

The Champions of Season 2: The JUNGLE BOOGIE took the crown again! This gold-hunting amazon tribe was once again coached by KRIM NIELSEN!
Undead NattBowlarna coached by Bantha (Mr B) earned the title of runner-ups in addition to the title of grave-digged-ups.

The Champions of Season 3: The SILVER HUNTERS howled into victory! The necromantic talent present in this team was coached into championship by THE GOLDEN ARROW!
Third time in the finals was not a charm for the Jungle Boogie.

The Champions of Season 4: The NATTBOWLARNA earned their first title in their second final appearance! The victory was not due to change of the coaching staff, so the victorious coach was BANTHA (MR B)!
The charms of the amazon Cougar Kittens did not work on the undead and the Kittens Coach J-Reedy saw his team beaten to the ground in their first final appearance.

The Champions of Season 5: The DRUCHII SMUCHII SCHMOO proved the superioty of the dark-elf race! BARMUTION was the coach who took the dark ones from underground dungeons to the spotlight!
The green ones took home the silver as Orkitis B.C., coached by Luiggi gathered the second most points during the play-offles season.

The Champions of Season 6: The VIRGINS NO MORE decided to show that high-elfs are the true champions! THE GOLDEN ARROW became the first coach to earn a championship with two different teams!
Third time really doesn't seem to be the charm in NUL, as Bantha's (Mr B's) third appearance in the finals ended with his norse Dragon Trainers being sent home with their long-boats loaded with silver.

The Champions of Season 7: Hey, this hasn't been played yet! But the champs are not probably amazons, nor undead, lizard men, nurgle, vampires, halflings or ogres, as there are no representatives from these races. Unless of course some cunning rookie team and coach wins the title with some heavy "oiling" of league officials...
I split the old S8 QA post into two, any questions/comments about the season 8 not related can be put here. Can also be used for chit-chatting.
Sign Up! / Season 8 SIGN-UP
May 19, 2012, 02:43:59 PM

NUL Season 7 has ended with the Orkitis B.C. coached by Luiggi winning the championship over Barmution's dark elf team Druchii Smuchii Schmoo. After the finals had been played, the sun and summer arrived, so currently NUL is taking a short summer break before the season 8 kick-offs August 6th.


The schedule for season 8 is as follows:
- League structure will be decided during week 31 (from July 30th to August 5th).
- Season 8 will definately kick-off Monday August 6th.
- First two weeks of season 8 will be played with schedule of 1,5 to 2 weeks of "real-time" weeks per 1 in-game match week. After this the schedule will change into normal 1 match week per 1 week.

NEW COACHES ARE ACCEPTED UNTIL DAY BEFORE THE KICK-OFF DATE  - provided a) that there will be even number of coaches in the new team league, b) newcomers get registed in the forums and in the client before the kick-off date.

And as per last season, we will have to see how many participants we will be before deciding how to construct the season. These will be the basic guidelines:
- New coaches will naturally start with fresh teams.
- Old and ancient coaches may use their "old" Valhalla or Ulls (season 4 or earlier) teams, fish-seasoned (seasons 5 through 7) teams or fresh teams.
- Depending on the ratio of new/old teams, there may be Team Value (TV) limit for old teams.
- If there are lots of new teams, they will be divided into league/division of their own so that they won't get trampled by the veteran teams.

In order to get the things moving smoothly, please let us know as early as possible, if you're going to play in season 8. Here's how you should do it:

New members
1: Create an account on this forum
2. Activate the account when it is approved
3: Post a reply in this thread that you want to join.
4: Read the "Essential rules" section here and post a reply in that thread that you have understood the rules.
5: The Coordinator will put you on the participant list in this post.

Old members - using a team previously used in NUL
1: Reply to this post or send a PM to the Coordinator and state that you want play next season using a previously used team.
2: The Coordinator will put you up on the participant list in this post.

Old members - using a fresh team
1: Reply to this post or send a PM to the Coordinator and state that you want play next season using a fresh team.
2: 2: The Coordinator will put you up on the participant list in this post.

Here's a list of confirmed participants/teams from the previous sign-up thread:

  • Barmution - *DSS* or if needed, a new team that will be dead from the start
  • J-Reedy - *Wolf-Whistlers* or new team if needed
  • Kvasilad - *Disorganized Dudes* or new team if needed
  • The Golden Arrow - *new team - some nurgle thingy from the mad mind of chaos god*
  • Mr B (Bantha in game) - *Dragon Trainers* or new team if needed
  • Luiggi - *Orkitis B.C.* (probably maybe perhaps)
  • Gnaarkill - *Vinterlegionen*
  • Hakos - *Getingarna*

Bulletin Board / Re: *** New? Start here. ***
May 19, 2012, 02:10:02 PM
THIS IS THE ORIGINAL CONCEPT BEHIND NUL. Maybe some day we'll have enough teams and players to make this so. As of now, you can ignore this if you're not interested in the league history:

If the NUL ever expands enough, here's what we would like to try...

... housing national leagues under the same roof, only to be connected by a common Cup where the very best compete.
The national leagues runs parallel to each other and share the same size of divisions. Communication in the national leagues is done by it's respective languages and we encourage coaches to have team and player names in their native tongues.

NUL is using the rule set that is closest to the original TT game. Meaning 4min turns and wizards.

Who is running this?

NUL's current adminstration is:

Site Administrator - Admin, J-Reedy
Coordinator - Mr B
League administrators - The Golden Arrow
Santa's Little Helper - bodyschlompf, J-Reedy

The site administrator s the one that deals with technical issues with this site. The Coordinator is the head of the community: Responsible for seeding the seasons, writes the rules and is overall responsible for running the series. The League Administrators responsibilities is tied to the in-game league application: Validating games, forwarding match days but also starting match scheduling threads and posting the current standings in the table. Collectively, the Coordinator and the league admins are known as the board. Decisions about the series is discussed within the board first. Major issues are discussed with all members. If you want a spot in the board you should ask the Coordinator.

What's up with NUL right now?

NUL is currently experimenting with some so called "house features". The meaning of these are that the series is commencing in a imaginative town called "Cowpenhaven". This town is represented by a group of boards in the forum. In the town, you can found powerful characters that may influence your team. They might, for instance, decide to give you a sponsorship contract. Another important aspects is that characters also have power over the inducements in the game. This means that you are not allowed to use certain inducements unless a specific character gives you permission for it. This usually means paying someone for a service. These rules are not to be taken so seriously, in fact, we encourage cheating with these rules. The effect of cheating is that a player might be accused of using black magic, which have some nice "fluff" effect.

NUL is currently to small to house parallel national leagues and is there for a mixed international community. The members is predominately Swedish and an all Swedish league is likely to spawn first if NUL gets more coaches. On top of this, NUL is currently very interested in coaches from Denmark and Finland. This because we see a potential for national leagues for these nations as well.

Original message by Bodyschlompf, modified by J-Reedy.
Schedule / Re: S7 MATCH DAY 2
May 16, 2012, 08:07:22 PM
Excerpt from the Necromantic Times issue 23 volume 715:

by Clarcy "Superwight" Cent

I remained quiet after the first match of the Gentleman Wolf-Whistlers of this season. The reason for this was that they won, even though they won the wrong way. I guess the victory soothed my nerves that were grated raw during the match. During the game I kept wondering where were the violent Wolf-Whistlers of the past? Who were these players performing amazing agile feats? Surprisingly the players were not from the defending high elf team Virgins No More. The elves had the sense of keeping the crowd entertained with their lackluster dodging and amusing falls. No, the agile ones were the Whistlers, especially the ghoul Harpo who scored an interception and remarkable catch of a bouncing ball. That is not what I want to see from a necromantic team. I want violence, casualties, deaths! Oh, the Whistlers knocked the elves down and out, but they didn't manage even a one casualty! But as I said, the 2-1 victory over the high elves managed to hide the very unnecromantic and disappointing performance of the Gentlemen Wolf-Whistlers.

But then came yesterday and the match against Disorganized Dudes. At first half it seemed that the Whistlers had managed to find their groove when Freki the Hungry killed a rookie beastman with a fine frenzied block. But that must've been just a fluke, as the Whistlers soon returned to their pacifistic ways that they showed in their first match. Whistlers scored not even a knockout during the rest of the game! Oh, there was violence, but the team inflicting the damage were the chaos Dudes who scored four casualties! For a casual spectator or a fan of the chaos team the game must've been entertaining but I'm a fan of the necromantic teams and the Gentleman Wolf-Whistlers managed to win my heart with their violent ways during their fist season. But after yesterdays 1-0 defeat in touchdowns and a whopping 1-4 beating in casualties I must say, that I'm very close to giving up my season ticket. Be warned Gentlemen Wolf-Whistlers, if you continue your pacifistic play in your last regular season matchup against the Druchii Smuchii Schmoo, you won't be seeing me in your games anymore, and I have a feeling that many of your fans will do the same. Oh, I know that the Whistlers coach already warned the fans that their next match would be hard with both of their ghouls missing the game, but that is not an excuse! Ghouls are loosers who not worth their weight in a tussle, so that should give the Whistlers even more incentive to concentrate on the bashing side of the Blood Bowl business. I demand casualties! For necromantic way is not that the dodge'n'dash that we're seeing now, the necromantic way is the block'n'bash, it's hitting your opponent until he goes down, and then hitting some more and finally fouling him where it hurts if he hasn't yet had the chance to roll of the field! You have been warned, Whistlers.
Schedule / Re: S7 MATCH DAY 2
May 14, 2012, 09:51:34 AM
Quote from: kvasilad on May 14, 2012, 07:26:03 AM
Hi, Tuesday and Thursday is impossible, but I *think* I can do Wednesday at 18:00. There is a slight chance I'll have trouble with that as well, in which case I should be available most of Saturday (not the evening) and all of Sunday.

OK, let's say Wednesday at 18 for now. If it helps, I could probably get home already for a 17.30 start. If you can't make it on Wednesday, any time on Saturday 9-14 (earlier better) should be ok for me, Saturday evening is also busy for me.
Schedule / Re: S7 MATCH DAY 2
May 14, 2012, 05:11:51 AM
Allrighty Kvasilad, here are my start times for the week as far as I know at the moment (CEST/GMT+2):
- Tuesday 19-20
- Wednesday 18-21
- Thursday 18-20

Let me know if any of those suit you, sir. Friday probably not possible. I'll let know about Saturday/Sunday later, if nescessary.