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Messages - J-Reedy

NUL Season 5! / Re: Blood Sports Spotlight
February 07, 2012, 07:58:02 PM

- I'm Gron Grumbundy welcoming all you friends of NUL to BLOOD SPORTS SPOTLIGHT! Today we're having a bit of a special broadcast, for we are coming to straight from the pre-match festivities of the week 10 game between the Gentleman Wolf-Whistlers and Midget Stuntmen. The game is about to begin soon, so I'll go straight to the point. With me today is mr. Freki the Hungry, the very promising wereblitzer of the Wolf-Whistlers. Welcome Freki!
- Thank you Gron. It surely is a pleasure to take part in your very entertaining magicast.
-  Very gentlemanny there... quite surprising considering... Well! One of the reasons I wanted to have you there is the insight that you have into your team's recent games. You've had two losses last two weeks, first to the league leading Druchii Smuchii Schmoo and then to the team from the tail-end – pun intented – of the league, namely Space Cheese. What happened in these games Freki?
- Well Gron, I must honestly confess that we were physically outplayed in both of the games, in the game against the DSS it was that lovely lady Eviscerating Evilyn who danced like us marionettes and in the Space Cheese game we were just swarmed over by those surprisingly fast skavenly gentlemen. You might consider that quite surprising but one should remember that we are a club of gentlemen who really despise all kinds of violence.
- Very interesting answer and how fortunate that you bring up miss Evilyn. You must've heard that she was killed by the crowd in the DSS's last week 4-0 win over the Disorganized Dudes?
- Yes, that was very unfortunate incident. Lady Evilyn was one of the finest players ever to take the field in the game of Blood Bowl and she would have surely had an amazing career if she was allowed to live.
- I understand that you had some first-hand experience of her skills... Didn't she hurt you seriously in the DSS game?.
- That is true, but fortunately it was only my modest pride that suffered, physically I was rescued by natural regenerational abilities.
- Yes... And isn't it true that you did also take part in the DSS vs Disorganized Dudes game. As a spectator!
- Why do... Well Gron, I am known to take part in some Blood Bowl matches also as a member of the crowd but honestly, we have had a busy week preparing for this week's game and I do not recall if I had the pleasure of attending that particular match...
- It is just that I was contacted by this ticket sales goblin from the DSS Stadium who is also a big fan of NUL and knows almost every player in the league by their appearance. He swore to me that he sold four DSS vs Dudes tickets to the front row of the section C5 to persons who very much resembled Idhar Gawsume of the Shining Sins, Galnast Eat'Hand of the Crunch Masters, Shizz of the Space Cheese and certain Freki the Hungry from Gentlemen Wolf-Whistlers. Curiously, ALL of these are names of players that have been injured by miss Evilyn during the current season. And what's more interesting is the fact that according to my ticket goblin source these individuals were accompanied by Shilow Tail of the Disorganized Dudes, the player who responsible for pushing miss Evilyn to the stands! Namely to section C5! I also talked to the apothecary of the DSS who told me that there clear claw slashes, rat-like gnawing mark, deep holes like from horns and even some curiously elfish like wooden sap on miss Evilyn's body. Very uncommon injuries from your average crowd, don't you think so Freki!
- Well, ahem... WHAT'S THAT COACH? YES, COMING RIGHT AWAY! Sorry Gron, I really must be going now, our physical trainer wants to have a word with us before the game. It was nice talking with you, hope we have a chance to chat again soon!
- There he goes. Damn those wolves are fast! Shame that he had to go, I really would've liked to congratulate him on showing us what Blood Bowl truly is all about, cunning, violence, back-stabbing, ganging up on unsuspecting victims... Well dear friends, as it looks like I have no real expert with me anymore. So it is time to bring in our resident stat expert. Get in here Gall'p! Here's Gall'p Keines folks!
- Thank you Mr. Grumbundy. Do you know that the chance of death is actually very little in game of Bloo...
- Don't be ridiculous Gall'p! That's an insult to all those 14 brave souls who have already given up their lives on the field during this seasons of NUL! And that's only the players, why, if we were to count the spectator casualties, the number is in the hundreds! Get out Gall'p! Nippy, get in here.
- Ammm.... Mr. Grumbundy, do you really need me? You know the game is just about to begin and I'd like to see the cheerleaders?
- Cheerleaders Nippy, really? This is the game between undead and dwarfs! The cheerleaders are probably either too bony to even be models - and that's saying something – or too bearded to show any interesting bits.
- But Mr. Grumbundy, didn't you hear that this is the match where the league's professional cheerleading team will be performing. You know, the one led by Brandy Hooter... Hoosterson. Something to do with her infatuation with undead coaches they say.
- Brandy is here? How much time 'till the start Nippy?
-Of the game?
- Of course not! Who cares about the game! Of the cheerleading session of course!
- 'bout five minutes I guess...
- Five minutes, got to act fast. Ok, so results review. Well, DSS were the team to beat, two wins and on the top of the standings! Orkitis breathing down on their necks with a win and a draw! Buzcabass third with a loss to DSS and a draw but still with a chance to tie the DSS in points! Fasta Stronga Betta, Midget Stuntmen and Wolf-Whistlers bunched up next to each other, FSB with two draws, Stuntmen with a win and a draw and we already talked about... What else, what else, how much time Nippy!
- Three or four minutes I'd say boss...
- All righty, I can do this. Erm, it's all green, boozing and chaotic next as Crunch Masters, Dragon Trainers and Disorganized Dudes surround the 10 point mark in that orger. Dragon Trainers looking like they're starting to recover from their unlucky start with a win and draw. AND Bloody Gorers, Space Cheese and Shining Sins on the bottom but still within the striking distance of the middle teams. Time Nippy?
- Two mins boss. I can hear the chanting already!
- Next week, next week, I mean this week, what's on? Where's the schedule? Oh, yes! The big one, Orkitis versus DSS, Orkitis must be hungry for a win – and maybe even for some dark blood – if they want to catch up the dark elves. This necro-dwarf match is a small biggie for the top middle table.  As will be the FSB versus BuzcaBass, so there could be some shuffling in the middle of the table. Space Cheese go against Bloody Gorers, Dragon boozers travel to Crunchville Masters and Dudes host the Shiney elfs.That's it, now we're off the see us some boob bowl... I mean Blood Bowl Nippy!
- What about the outro Boss!
- You do it, they're already coming out, I can see them! YAHOO! SHAKE  IT BABY!
- Erm, right. Well, this was Blood Sports Spotlight, he was Gron Grumbundy and I think he'd like to wish you all gloody boody week or something. Have a wiener! Or was it leak? What does he always say. Well, nevermind, were off.
NUL Season 5! / Re: NUL Match Day 10 - Matches
February 06, 2012, 09:06:09 PM
Quote from: staffan on February 06, 2012, 08:03:15 PM
J-reedy, lets aim for tuesday at CET 20 !

So shall it be. Tomorrow at 20. See you on the field.
NUL Season 5! / Re: NUL Match Day 10 - Matches
February 06, 2012, 03:33:18 PM
Staffan, hope you're deathroller is all gassed up and ready to go. Here are my OK starting times for this week (CET/GMT+1):

Tue 18.30-20
Wed 18.30-21
Sat 21-23
Sunday any time before 20.

The time slots are a bit tight this week, as I have lot's of stuff already on my calendar. But hopefully one of these times suits you, sir. Friday evening may also be possible.
NUL Season 5! / NUL Match Day 10 - Matches
February 06, 2012, 03:28:42 PM
Week 10 games will be available soon, here are the matchups:

Please communicate your preferred playing times early and check back here often until you get in contact with your opponent. Remember, you can also use forum's private messaging if you prefer, just remember to write a reply here about the fact that you've made a contact.
NUL Season 5! / Re: NUL Match Day 9 - Matches
February 05, 2012, 12:15:34 PM
Quote from: Luiggi on February 05, 2012, 11:04:15 AM
Ok, so I don't know what else to do really, I think we're gonna need admins to have a word on this, cause it's already Sunday and my match versus Beuneri is not scheduled, even though I posted my times on Monday (as the visitor side, by the way), I got a reply on Thursday (one day after the deadline) asking to play on Sunday (without even a time given) and after my second answer it's all been silence. It's kinda hard to schedule a game by posting every 4 days, so by the looks of it it's rather possible that we won't be able to play it on time.

I'd appreciate J-Reedy's and/or Bantha's thoughts on this one.

Looking at the communication in the thread, I'd say you're titeled to a default win if you can't get the match played. According to the rules, the home side is responsible for taking the initiave but that has not clearly been done and your description of the situation is also otherwise accurate. However, as you match is one of the top ones, I'd personally prefer the match to be played. So I'd suggest extending the deadline till monday if Beuneri makes an effort to schedule the game during today (sunday afternoon). If not, I'd say Luiggi gets a default win. That's my take on this, what do you think Bantha?
OFFICIAL COMPLAINT to the chief editor of the book "Skaven anatomy and habits with some delicious rat tail recipes" (2nd edition, Ogre & Trollop publishing) due to discrepancies noted in the book during physical activity between the gentlemen's club GENTLEMEN WOLF-WHISTLERS and skaven association SPACE CHEESE that ended in 1-3 SKAVEN VICTORY.

We the undersigned, official representatives of the Gentlemen Wolf-Whistlers (The Club), the gentlemen's club for gentlemen of whistling persuasion, would like to file a formal complaint to the editor of the above mentioned book (The Inaccurate Tome) of some serious mistakes noted in the Inaccurate Tome. Members of The Club noticed at least following discrepancies between the actual properties of the skaven and the ones described in The Inaccurate Tome:

1) According to The Inaccurate Tome "Skaven are fragile creatures who can be hurt easily once they are caught" (p. 5, chapter I). This is a pure lie. First of all, the hinted evasive nature of the skaven seems not to be true as the members of The Club had no trouble catching the skaven (although it should be noted that all of the members were carrying some extremely long matured camembert cheese with them, which may have made the process a bit easier). Second, the members noted the skaven armor is as hard to brake as orcish armor. The members of The Club managed to penetrate the skaven armor as rarely as against the orc opponent that The Club played just two weeks ago. Therefore, The Club would like to suggest that The Inaccurate Tome should be changed to read "Skaven are furry creatures which gives them a good natural protection against normal hits and only clawed attacks can be deemed to be effective against the skaven".

2) Secondly according to The Inaccurate Tome "Skaven are not aggressive by nature and tend to shy away from all physical contact if it can be avoided" (p. 6, chapter I) and "The relatively feeble skaven rarely manage to hurt any of their prey..." (p. 46, chapter III). It is a travesty that such inaccuracies can be printed! The members of The Club would like to inform the editor of The Inaccurate Tome that after first minute of the physical activity between The Club and skaven association Space Cheese two (2) members of The Club were knocked out by the "feeble" skaven. Also, during the whole length of the said physical activity, three (3) members of The Club were injured, two of them so seriously and badly that they didn't even manage to regenerate the wounds! The Club therefore suggest that The Inaccurate Tome should be changed to read "The Skaven are fiercly territorial creatures who defend their territory with determination" and "The Skaven are naturally aggressive and can gnaw and claw through even of thickest natural armor of their prey...".

The Club hereby submits this complaint to the editor of The Inaccurate Tome and officially demands that the full amount that The Club paid for their edition of The Inaccurate Tome should be returned with interest to the Club.

For The Club,
Mr. Orson and Mr. Freki the Hungy

Coachy comments: I just got pummeled by skaven. JerXou's rats started strong and laid some serious smack down during first half. At the same time, my guys couldn't get through the thick rat fur and then I got some double skulls at inappriate moments which gave JerXou openings which he used nicely and effectively. After being down 2-0 after first half I had to try for a fast score and open up the play. This back-fired when JerXou managed to pull off a nice "blitz, crab the ball and run it to the goal" manouver. At the mid point of second half I started getting normal armor results but it was too late. But I did manage to make the highlight play of the game, namely a half court long hail mary pass from a wight surrounded by 3 skaven to a wolf on a scoring distance. Nice game by JerXou thanks again for the game!
NUL Season 5! / Re: NUL Match Day 9 - Matches
February 04, 2012, 05:18:24 PM
JerXou, I'm in-game now. I'll be cruising between the living room and gaming dungeon, so if I don't reply right away, just wait a couple of minutes.
NUL Season 5! / Re: NUL Match Day 9 - Matches
February 03, 2012, 04:14:02 AM
Quote from: JerXou on February 02, 2012, 04:09:14 PM
Saturday well almost any time should be fine expect morning. Like after 1400 i should be up for sure and ready to play and well prefer time would be maybe 18 to 22.

OK, let's aim for saturday 18?
NUL Season 5! / Re: NUL Match Day 9 - Matches
February 01, 2012, 07:39:15 PM
Quote from: JerXou on February 01, 2012, 06:45:33 PM
J-reedy sorry cant play tonight gotta check up some stuff for school and such. Would friday or saturday i should be home all weekend if not will report about it.

I'm going to a movie on friday so that's a no go. Saturday should be OK, almost any time will do. Let me know what would be the best time for you.
Eli lauantaina mihin aikaan vaan sopii, kunhan saa tiedon ajoissa ja ehtii suunnitella päivän ohjelman.
NUL Season 5! / Re: NUL Match Day 9 - Matches
January 31, 2012, 07:44:27 AM
Quote from: JerXou on January 30, 2012, 04:10:00 PM
J-reee we could check it out wednesday around 21~~
katellaa :P

Wednesday around 21 will be fine.
Pistetään kunnon kapinat pystyyn kentällä.
NUL Season 5! / Re: NUL Match Day 9 - Matches
January 30, 2012, 04:31:07 AM
Yo JerXou! Here are my OK starting times for the week (Finnish time / GMT+2):
Tue & Wednesday: 19-22
Friday: probably ok from 20 onwards
Saturday: any time before 22
Sun: any time before 20

Let me know if any of these suit you, sir.
NUL Season 5! / NUL Match Day 9 - Matches
January 30, 2012, 04:25:47 AM
OK, all the match day 8 games have been played, so here are the matches for the 9th round:

Keep on 'truckin!
Official complaint to league officials due to events from the physical excursion between GENTLEMEN WOLF-WHISTLERS and DRUCHII SMUCHII SCHMOO that ended with a DSS 1-2 WIN

We the undersigned, official representatives of the Gentlemen Wolf-Whistlers (The Club), the gentlemen's club for gentlemen of whistling persuasion, would like to file a formal complaint to those officials of the Norsca Union League (or NUL) who are officially responsible for organizing the above mentioned gentlemen's club's weekly physical activity. This complaint concerns the following two instances from The Club's physical activity with the Druchii Smuchii Schmoo:

1) The players of the The Club would like to note that the Druchii Smuchii Schmoo had a member of a female persuasion within their ranks, namely a which-elf called Eviscerating Evelyn. This should be considered an unfair advantage as all the members of The Club are true gentlemen who have the highest of respect for the members of the female sex, who would never hurt a members of the mentioned sex and who have a persuasion for assuring that all members of the female sex feel themselves secure. It should be noted that Ms. Evelyn took advantage of this conviction of the members of The Club by personally injuring and knocking out numerous members of The Club. Therefore The Club would like the league officials to guarantee that the the members of the female sex would be banned from taking part in the future physical activities of The Club as players. The Club would like to emphasize that this ban should only concern the actual physical activities performed on the field, presence of females - preferably stunning platinum blondes in red dresses - outside the sidelines would be welcomed and encouraged.

2) The Club would like to note that persons who had gathered to view the above mentioned physical activity decided to take  part in the physical activities by storming the playing field and stunning six members of The Club within the last minutes of the physical activity. The Club would like the officials of the league to give an official explenation why this was allowed and why the security personnel of the physical activity only allowed members of the Druchii Smuchii Schmoo fan club storm the field.

The Club hereby submits this complaint to the NUL league officials.
For The Club,
Mr. Teddy and Mr. Geri the Greedy

Coaches comments:
Very even game which was decided by me foolishly giving away a quite sure 1-1 tie by scoring the equalizer when 3 turns were left. I thought that having at least 2 man advantage (ended up being 3 man advantage when one of Barmution's 4 KOs failed) should give me a fair chance to try for a defensive stop and TD. But as the kick-off result ended up being Pitch Invasion where 6 Wolf-Whistlers and only 1 Darkie Elf were stunned, Barmution had quite an easy task scoring. Eviscerating Evelyn was on fire, scoring 2 or 3 casualties with a couple of KOs also thrown in there. Quite exciting game and nice gaming from Barmution. Thanks again for the nice game!
NUL Season 5! / Re: NUL Match Day 8 - Matches
January 23, 2012, 08:23:38 AM
Quote from: Barmution on January 23, 2012, 08:12:42 AM
How about Thu at 18 CET/GMT+1?

Thursday at 18 is fine with me, see you then!
NUL Season 5! / Re: NUL Match Day 8 - Matches
January 22, 2012, 11:54:37 PM
Barmution, time for some schmooching and whistling. Here are my OK starting times for the week (CET/GMT+1):

Tue 17-20
Wed 18-21
Thu 17-20
Sat 9-22
Sun 9-12

Let me know if any of these suit you, sir.