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Messages - J-Reedy

NUL Season 5! / Re: NUL Match Day 8 - Matches
January 23, 2012, 08:23:38 AM
Quote from: Barmution on January 23, 2012, 08:12:42 AM
How about Thu at 18 CET/GMT+1?

Thursday at 18 is fine with me, see you then!
NUL Season 5! / Re: NUL Match Day 8 - Matches
January 22, 2012, 11:54:37 PM
Barmution, time for some schmooching and whistling. Here are my OK starting times for the week (CET/GMT+1):

Tue 17-20
Wed 18-21
Thu 17-20
Sat 9-22
Sun 9-12

Let me know if any of these suit you, sir.
NUL Season 5! / NUL Match Day 8 - Matches
January 22, 2012, 11:48:39 PM
8th match day ahead which means that we're starting on the final third of the season:
Welcome to the coaches conference fellow trainers. I'm Coach Trainer and I'm here to talk about some new methods in coaching Blood Bowl teams. As you may know, I'm the coach of the gentlemen's club Gentlemen Wolf-Whistlers who also play Blood Bowl in Norsca Union League. Today I want to talk you about a new method that I came up during our last three games. The development of this method started three matches ago when we played the norse DRAGON TRAINERS:

As you know, norse are all about blocking so during the match preparation I emphasized to my players that we should consentrate on blocking and tackling. So what happened? We started the match by kicking it to the norse. At first everything seemed to be going OK, we managed to stall their offence and keep the ball away. Well, the half ended with our side underhanded by fierce norse blocking and Dragon Trainers leading 1-0. Our blocking just wasn't up to standards but fortunately my players picked it up in the second half and we managed to tie the game and take two norse players out. But the match ended in 1-1 tie as we didn't manage to get the ball away from the norse. In my post-match analysis I came to conclusion that our blocking was half-hearted and we really should consentrate on it. So this in mind, we trained hard on our blocking while preparing to play ORKITIS B.C:

What happened was a total disaster. The orcs were the first to receive and even though we managed to slow them, they dominated us on blocking and finally rolled all over us in the first half when we had only six players on the field. Again, on the second half my players picked up the pace with blocking. Unfortunately while concentrating on blocking they seemed to forget all about ball-handling and doging and we lost the game due to me losing concentration and ordering a dumb dodge. Well, after the game I was devastated, emphasizing blocking and trying to inflict as much hurt as possible clearly was working so I decided to take a new approach in the game against DISORGANISED DUDES:

During the pre-match preparation I told my players to take it easy and consentrate on the ball. I told them that they should try to take blocking seriously but not try hurt anyone. Maybe just gently knock them on the head instead of bashing their skull violently to the ground. And it worked like a dream! The Dudes took to the attack first but we got pressure on them right from the start. Even though we couldn't stop them from scoring, we forced them to score fast with a fast run through the middle which gave us plenty of time to even the score. And the taking it easy blocking was working like a dream! We knocked two their players, even one chaos warrior out during the first drive and continued the same pace with our first drive! There were four KOs in their box at the end of the first half and of their beastmen had killed himself when trying to dodge away so I had a new player available for the rest of the game. We also managed to tie the score and then we were to receive at the second half. And as my method of passive aggression was working, we started the drive two players up! We took the game to sidelines and that's where the effort-free blocking really showed it's strength! We didn't have block anyone down as we could just send them crowd surfing. And the crow really worked them up. We scored no casualties in the match but the Dudes ended up suffering 3 casualties, 2 of them crowd inflicted! If I recall correctly, the passive aggressive blocking led to there being only five Dudes on the field when we scored our second TD. We had left enough time on the clock for one more scoring drive as we knew we would have at least 3 man advantage. It ended up being a 5 man advantage but the Dudes played it nice and we just couldn't get the ball away in time to score. But the real news was the fact that my passive aggressive game style clearly worked! So in conclusion, you don't have to hurt your opponent badly, you can let them and the crowd to do it for you!

Coaches comments:
I've been real busy past weeks so I haven't had to time to write any match-reports or anything else so my memories from the Dragon Trainers and Orkitis B.C. games are hazy. If I recall correctly, the Trainers game was a typical 1-1 game where in the second half I left enough time to clock for either side TD as I had man-advantage. Dispite being undermanned mr. B however came quite close to scoring but I finally managed a draw with little effort.
Orkitis game was another close one where I probably lost a 1-1 tie to a second half mouse wheel mishap that caused a misclick and sent a zombie dodging into opposing players tackle zone. It was also a game of two halves where orcs clearly dominated the first half and necros the second.
In the game against Paspawn's Disorganized Dudes I had extremely lucky dice day in that I think I only had to use reroll two times and high rolls showed up on armor and injury rolls against the Dudes. Paspawn had to play undermanned practically all of the match so the game was a really tough on him.
NUL Season 5! / Re: Blood Sports Spotlight
January 21, 2012, 07:26:20 PM

- WELCOME to the spectacular magicast of Blood Sports Spotlight - the place to get your fix of the Norsca Union League or NUL as we like to call this fine league. I'm your host Gron Grumbundy! First of all I have to apologize from all of our listeners for our absence in the past two weeks. We had some technical difficulties with our front door, namely the door being  blocked by oversized halfling that shall go unnamed. This halfling's stomach got stuck when he tried to leave our offices. We did try removing mr. Tall... the unnamed halfling from the door frame by oiling him with butter but he ate all the butter and got stuck even worse. We only got him removed last week and would've had time for the magicast but then we noticed that our studio was haunted by some mischievous spirit. The exorcist we called in to take care of the problem deducted that it must've been some vampiric spirit. Who knows where that came from. But anyways now were back and boy do we have a lot to discuss! Two full weeks, weeks 5 and 6, and all but two games from the week 7 have been played! To hasten the discussion we have no special guests but we do have the most special commentator of them all, here's NIPPY!
- erm... Hi all..
- All right Nippy, don't go talking yourself to death. Now, as we have lots of games to review, we won't go by the weeks but instead we'll take a look at the current standings and work ourselves from the bottom to the top. So we start with the elf team Shining Sins that has had a hard time in this bash-heavy league and have scored two ties and five defeats which leaves them at 2 points. All of the team's matches have been close, only the ogre team Fasta Stronga Betta managed to upend the Sins 2 to 0 in the 5th week, largely due to ogres taking out four elves in casualties and knocking out three more. On 6th week Sins scored a 1 all draw at the Druchii Smuchii Schmoo stadium in an affair that had a whopping 8 casualties. And looking at the week 7 results, it seems that casualties are really what is keeping the Shining Sins from winning, they suffered 4 casualties against the dwarfen BuzcaBass in a nail-biting 1-2 loss. But looking at the team's current roster, I have to say that their players have developed nicely, especially their catcher duo. Kailduil Aldavathar who could probably even a beat a dwarf in running contest where the top prize is a year's worth of beer and a deed to a gold mine. Some of Sins' linemen have also developed into fine guards that should help them overcome their lack of players with beyond average strength. And looking at the schedule, during the next two weeks Sins will play opponents with as thin armor as they have, as they'll meet the skaven team and the norse team, so they have a chance to inflict as much casualties as they suffer. Any word on the Sins Nippy, what do your parents think about them?
- erm... Dad says that elves are buggering hard to catch but when you do, they brake more easily than a whore's chastity belt. Nothing else really, they haven't talked about them a much after mom once said that she wouldn't mind spending some time with one of those tall and strong looking blitzers that the Sins have and dad got angry and then mom finally had to take her rolling pin and...
- Yes, I think that's a decent analysis of the Shining Sins. The 11th place in the league is occupied by the skaven team Space Cheese. They have 3 points from one victorious game but they haven't yet played their week 7 game against the Orkitis B.C. The cheeseheads week 5 match was a 1-2 loss to Disorganized Dudes and on week 6 they were slaughtered 1-0 by the FSB. Five casualties and 6 KO's against the skavens and it looks like 3 of the casualties are missing the team's week 7 game against the Orkitis so the game could prove a hard one. On a positive note, the Space Cheese's stormvermin Khizz has a potential to become one of the most violent players in the league and their two-headed gutter runner Sputter could probably dodge away even from taxman's grip. Looking at schedule, the Cheese will have a breather from bashy teams after their Orkitis match when they go against the Shining Sins. Lots of honor in play in that matchup. The week 8 game however may prove a tough one as their opponent will be Gentlement Wolf-Whistlers who are not actually known as a finesse team. But the skavens are a tough team to beat, as they have proved by taking their one victory from the team that actually holds the top spot of league, more of that team later. Nippy, your take on the skavens?
- Mmm... I think they're fast and they must like cheese. Maybe their coach should place some edam or blue cheese to opponent's goal line?
- That has been tried Nippy, the most famous case was the Cheeseheads game where all of skaven players ran right through the opponents lines in less than five seconds when the ball was still up in the air. The opposing players just walked to where the ball landed and walked leisurely to the goal. Back to NUL! The 9th and 10th place teams both have six points with identical records of 1 victory and 3 draws. These two teams played against each other in week 7 and it was the norse team Dragon Trainers that got their first win against the chaos Bloody Gorers with 2 tds against 1. Dragon Trainers are however ranked 10th based on touchdown differential. Before the week 7 matchup Dragon Trainers had scored two tie games, in week 5 they played 1 all game against the Wolf-Whistlers and in week 6 a scoreless match against the dwarfish Midget Stuntmen. It really looks like the grim reaper has taken a liking to this norse team. There have been 4 deaths in the Trainers' 7 games. And unfortunately for the Trainers, 3 of those deaths have been norse casualties. This naturally shows in the Trainers' roster, they currently have only 9 players and to top it off their runner Hiccup Horrendous has lost some of his natural strength. And of course it is strength that the Dragon Trainers would need in their week 8 matchup against the Fasta Stronga Betta. It has been a really difficult season for the norse. And so it has been for the chaos team Bloody Gorers. They've had lot of close games, three 1-1 draws against Disorganized Dudes, Midget Stuntmen and FSB and two close 2-1 losses. Their roster has however stayed quite intact but they will be missing their newly acquired minotaur I.C. Red from their week 8 game against BuzcaBass. Problem with the Gorers seems to be that they really don't yet have any star players. But the chaos warrior Not a ketchup fancier and beastie boy the Sacred Scorer could become the team's back-bone if they manage to develop some useful new skills soon. Any thoughts on these two teams Nippy?
- Mom says all norse are booze-hounds and that if chaos teams wanted to see real chaos, they should came and see my room.
- Really down to earth comments there Nippy! We shall continue with chaos, namely the chaos team Disorganized Dudes. 2 wins and 2 draws gives them 8 points and 8th place. The Dudes have had an "all of everything season" meaning that they've had almost equal amounts of wins, draws and losses. This is proven by their last three games where they first beat Space Cheese 2 to 1, then got a 1 all tie against Bloody Gorers and then finally this week 8 they lost 2 to 1 to Wolf-Whistlers. Death has visited the Dudes two times, taking two beastmen with him. Currently the Dudes have 10 player roster but they have enough money to summon a new beastman into their ranks if they deem it necessary. Their most promising player is the beastman Thishnogors. He is fast and he even has a pair of extra arms to help with the ball handling. Their schedule takes them to a road tour for the next two weeks, first they'll visit Orkitis B.C. and then Druchii Smuchii Schmoo. So first some green and then some dark bashing. Anything to add Nippy?
- erm... Not really...
- What an insight Nippy! Upwards! 7th place in the standings belongs to a dwarf team named Midget Stuntmen. Two wins and whopping 4 ties gives the stunty little men 10 points. Before this week they were the only undefeated team. Weeks 5 and 6 saw them in two tied games, 1 all against the Dudes and 0 all against the Dragon Trainers. This week they had their first loss, 2-0 against DSS. So it can be said this is a team that is tough to beat. And that really sums up the dwarfs, you can get them down but only you rarely you can beat them down. All of the Stuntmen players have attributed to the team's success but their real star player has been their runner Alglid who has scored 6 touchdowns! The Stuntmen also got a new toy last week, a brand new Deathroller. I hear it is this year's model with twin spikes! It should give some concerns to Stuntmen's next opponents, Crunch Masters and FSB. Boy, those Deathrollers really are something, don't you agree Nippy?
- Dad says that they're really not so useful, he says that you can stop one of them just by stuffing a snotling or a goblin into the gears.
- Oh, the old blood-slip the gears routine, yes that has worked previously but I hear that these new models have a special valve that separates blood from the gore and keeps the gears and the D'roller rolling. Well, enough of this technical stuff. 11 points, that is what it takes to get to 5th and 6th spot in the NUL. And both of teams that have managed to score this amount of points are green. 6th place team is the Crunch Masters. 3 wins and 2 draws. Crunch have played it strong against the other top teams, scoring wins against Orkitis and BuzcaBass in weeks 5 and 6 and drawing 1 all this week against the FSB. Their roster is starting to look really strong, especially when one looks at the black ock Grubak Break'teef muscles that have grown quite a bit from the start of the season. They will be missing lineorc Grafang from their next game where they host Midget Stuntmen. Continuing with the orcs, the currently 5th place Orkitis B.C still hasn't played their week 7 match against the Space Cheese. With a win Orkitis could take themselves to 2nd place so the orcs will probably give this match all they got. And what they have is a fearsome quartet of blitzers. Orkitis blitzers will keep a guard on you, tackle you down, then hit you mighty hard and if that doesn't knock you out, one of them will pile on you. In week 6 they defeated the Gentlemen Wolf-Whistlers and but week 5 saw them losing to their fellow orc team Crunch Masters. After the skaven match the Orkitis will host Disorganised Dudes and then they travel to BuzcaBass stadium. Nippy, do you know any orkish?
- Well, once an orc tried to rob us on an alley. But my mommy had her rolling pin with her so he didn't do well. The orc kept yelling Kagh! Dae'mon! Kagh! when he ran away. Don't know what it means.
- You're painting quite an interesting picture of your mother Nippy. Your dad must be a brave fellow. And so should be everyone who would dare to try take the 4th place of NUL away from the team holding the spot. The team in question is Fasta Stronga Betta. This team has not lost after week 1. Their last three matches were two wins against Shining Sins and Space Cheese and a tie against Crunch Masters this week. FSB has managed to keep their snotlings surprisingly intact, they've lost only two of them, and naturally the ogres of the team are untouched. Kurmak the Numa Um and Toerag Crusher are the emerging star players but all of the ogres are beginning to look fierce! Well, I guess Gurunk Toothache may get some hazing from his team-mates, as he hasn't developed any visible skills. Next two weeks will keep the ogres at their home stadium, first they'll get a visit from Dragon Trainers - interesting to see if any of the norse make it back to north - and then from the Midget Stuntmen. So FSB will get a firsthand experience of both the thinnest and the heavies armors in the league. Have you ever seen an ogre at close Nippy, they're quite big I must say?
- Dad says that mom is an ogre but she's not big. But he also calls her his pussycake butterfly sometimes, so I really don't know.
- ...Ahem... Speechless... Well, let's move on... Three teams left. Two of those teams have 13 points from 4 wins and 2 draws. These teams in 2nd and 3rd place have also already played against each other in week 2. This match saw the dwarfen BuzcaBass beat the necromantic Gentlemen Wolf-Whistlers 1 to 0 but currently the team at the 2nd place is the Wolf-Whistlers and 3rd place belongs to BuzcaBass. BuzcaBass has an extremely strong roster which also includes the arguably best player of the league, the runner Harquas who has developed into a fine leader. He really stands out from the other dwarf players who based on their skills are all former members of some royal guard. Last weeks have been hard for the BuzcaBass, first in week 5 they lost 2-0 to Druchii Smuchii Schmoo and then 1-2 to Crunch Masters. This week they however got back to winning track as they snatched away a 1-2 victory from Shining Sins. Two home games ahead for the dwarfs, Bloody Gorers and Orkitis B.C. will be paying them a visit. The 2nd place team Wolf-Whistlers will also be playing home next two weeks, first against DSS and then against Space Cheese. W-W has rainbow results from their last three games, a draw from Dragon Trainers, a loss from Orkitis B.C and win from Disorganized Dudes. Wolf-Whistlers' roster has not seen much of change as it is really hard to kill someone who is already dead. The development of players have been quite slow but the duo of werewolves has kept the team in track and in recent games even some of the zombies has managed to show some new skills. All right Nippy, any thoughts before we take it to the top?
- erm... ahhh... Maybe the dwarfs want to be so high in the standings because they are so short? And maybe the undead want to get as high as possible once they've digged themselves up?
- That's probably the most wise or the most dumbest thing you've ever said Nippy. Nicely done. Well, there's one team that we haven't talked about but that has been mentioned quite a few times as the team taking points away from those teams we've already discussed. 5 wins, 1 tie and only 1 loss gives this dark elf team 16 points and a 3 point lead in the standings. The team we're talking about is of course Druchii Smuchii Scmoo or DSS. Only team who has managed to win against these darkie elves is Space Cheese and the team that managed to draw them is Shining Sins who did it two weeks ago in week 6. In weeks 5 and 7 DSS played against both dwarf teams winning 2-0 both times. Schmoozers haven't got their wins easily. Although they haven't suffered any deaths they have had their share of injuries, line-elf Niles the Nun Nailsman smashed his hip early in the season and hasn't been same since and just last week the DSS had to let one of their blitzers go due to a serious injury. The star player of the team is their witch elf Eviscerating Evelyn, which shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who knows anything about dark elves. The other darkies have developed surprisingly little but those who have managed to acquire some special skills are now really hard to knock down. This looks like the team to beat and the first team that will try to do it is the 2nd place Gentlemen Wolf-Whistlers in the week 8 matchup. What do you think Nippy, who will take this game home?
- ...I thought the Wolf-Whistlers were the home team? But I think the Druchii Smuchii Schmoo will win because that witch elf of theirs is witchingly beautiful.
- Just as beautiful as the game that they play in the NUL! This is a nice spot to finish our magicast. We'll be back, hopefully next week, to recap the games that have been played and take a look into the future! I've been Gron Grumbundy and I wish you bloody good Blood Bowling week! Have a week!

NUL Season 5! / Re: NUL Match Day 7 - Matches
January 16, 2012, 08:12:15 AM
Quote from: kvasilad on January 16, 2012, 07:17:52 AM
Hi! Wednesday at 19 CET should be fine, so let's go for that :)

Wednesday 19 CET, so shall it be.
NUL Season 5! / Re: NUL Match Day 7 - Matches
January 16, 2012, 05:31:48 AM
Hi Kvasilad! Here are my OK starting times for this week (CET/GMT+1):

Tue 17-20
Wed 18-22
Thu 17-19
Sun 13-20

Let me know if any one of these suits you, sir. Saturday evening may also be possible.
NUL Season 5! / NUL Match Day 7 - Matches
January 16, 2012, 05:27:23 AM
Games are rolling along nicely and standings are very even, so let's start a new exciting match day!

NUL Season 5! / Re: NUL Match Day 6 - Matches
January 09, 2012, 04:20:55 AM
Luiggi, time to see if your fear of the wolf claws is bigger than my fear of the orc fangs. Here are my OK starting times for this week (CET/GMT+2):

Wed 18-21
Thu 17-19
Sat 10-22
Sun 12-19

Friday is also possible, if none of those times suit you, sir. Although, I'd like to keep the friday free, as I was planning a family visit for the evening.
NUL Season 5! / NUL Match Day 6 - Matches
January 09, 2012, 04:15:38 AM
All right we're at halfpoint now, here are the matches for the match day 6:

NUL Season 5! / Re: NUL Match Day 5 - Matches
January 01, 2012, 02:28:49 PM
Quote from: Mr B on January 01, 2012, 02:23:16 PM
Ready now at your will ;)

OK, logging in in couple of minutes.
NUL Season 5! / Re: Blood Sports Spotlight
December 31, 2011, 05:48:30 PM

- WELCOME YA ALL to the FINAL magicast of Blood Sports Spotlight... FINAL magicast of this year! Had you there didn't I - Gron Grumbundy that is me! Time for us to take a look at the week 4 results from NUL and cast a glimpse into the new year and week 5 games! With me to help is a spectacular - and probably even a bit safer - guest than our previous... OOOFFFF!!!
- Who'ya calling safe you big ugly! I'm the most dangerous player ever to take the field in a game of Blood Bowl, don't you forget that!
- That was low blow... OOOFFF!!
- Are'ya calling me short! I'm not short, you're just too big! Don't go disrespecting me or I'll hit even lower next time! And yo coffee boy, bring me something to eat! Those two snack baskets are already empty.
- All right folks, some of you might've already guess that we have with us today the former all star player of halfling team Delicious Hungries, the only player ever able to score a touchdown, inflict a casualty and eat a food basket bigger than himself within a one minute from the start of the game, the running refrigerator himself - Hildirgim Tall-Shortwick!
- Just call me Tall, that's the part of the name I earned!
- Yes... I recall hearing some tales how you had to beat down a dozen of your team-mates before they agreed to start calling you that... Didn't that happen during a blood bowl game?
- Yep, we were playing the short elfs...
- You mean the high elf team Highly Mighty?
- Yep, short elfs just as I said. They started calling me shorty after they heard my team-mates calling me Shortwick so I beat the first eleven of them out from the field and then told my team-mates to start calling me Tall or I'd pummel them also... This is a tasty sandwich, bring me some more coffee boy, two dozen should do... They only agreed after I'd also beaten all of them out from the field.
- Yes, I remember my fellow analyst Brick Mancandy telling that he has never seen anyone wielding a chicken drumstick with such an efficiency! Well, lets' get down to business Tall. The week 4 of the Norsca Union League has been played and that means that the first third of games are already behind us. Week 4 opened with the game between the elven Shining Sins and the Bloody Gorers of chaotic kind. This time chaos won over order with the Gorers beating the Sins 1 to 0 in touchdowns. Casualties were split one all and both teams' casualties will miss their team's next game. ĩdhar Gawsumé of the Sins due to fractured skull and Khorne is my Kho-pilot due to smashed ankle. Shining Sins dominated the passing game but unfortunately for them the Gorers were equally dominating in the knock-down game. What's your expert opinion on this match Tall?
- The elfs are just too tall. You have to be tall like me to play the game, I'm the ideal height, the elfs are just too tall. They can't stop themselves from falling down. Of course the beastmen are also too tall and horny. So it's natural that the team with players closer to the ideal height won.
- Interesting hypothesis Tall. But how does our next game fit into your scheme then? That would be the game where the norse Dragon Trainers hosted the dark elven Druchii Smuchii Schmoo. The "too-tall" elven folk won the game 0 to 1.
- Yes but the norse won the casualties 2 to 0. The elfs are easier to down, just as I said. And the norse teams have a wrong kind of diet. You should eat one bottle of wine or one small keg of beer for every two full picnic baskets you eat. ...That reminds me, bring me two more bottles of this good stuff coffee boy!... The norse players usually drink two full kegs of beer to every one salted pig, the balance is all wrong. You can't go playing Blood Bowl with your belly and head swaying. You need to have your belly firm and cushioned.
- All right Tall, I'll believe your tall tale. Let's move onto the third match played. That was the thriller where the necro Gentlemen Wolf-Whistlers edged out a 1-0 win against the orcish Crunch Masters. Both teams scored one casualty which were not of serious kind. How does your theory hold up here Tall?
- This proves it! Those were-wolfs know that they are too tall, so play all hunched on all four to be on the ideal height! Of course they won! I'll bet my next lunch that it was a were that scored the touchdown!
- You're right there Tall, it was Geri the...
- I WON THE LUNCH! Coffee boy, bring me my lunch!
- OK Nippy, bring him one of those gift baskets we got from all those anti-vamp associations after the last show. And on with the show. Next game we'll talk about is the affair between the orkish Orkitis B.C. and the ogre Fasta Stronga Betta. This was a really whoosy of a game even though the result was a 1 all tie. The ogres took over the physical game and won the casualties 6 to 2! One of those casualties resulted in Orkitis' backup thrower Morkzla damaging his back so badly that he'll have to miss the team's next game. The FSB lost one snottling, Grotty Fungi something I believe his name was but that is expected and shouldn't slow them down. What's your take Tall?
- This is good chicken! Bring me some more! And maybe some of that groggy fungus you talked about, I like mushrooms soaked in alcohol.
- ... Yes. Right. Let's see, what do we have left. Oh yeas, the game where the league leading dwarven team BuzcaBass earned a 1 to 0 victory over the chaos team Disorganized Dudes. Casualties 2-0 also for the BuzcaBass. Looks like a tight game where the dwarfs managed to hold on to the ball and stay on their a bit better than the chaos folk. Tall?
- Now we're talking about some players with a potential! Dwarfs are just about the right height for the Blood Bowl, maybe a bit too tall but close enough! Don't this NUL thing have two dwarf teams? I bet you lunch basket that the other dwarf team won also!
- You're right Ta...
- I WON! Bring me the basket Nippy chap!
- Yep, the Midget Stuntmen were leading 2-0 and were declared winners after the stadium floor collapsed under the feet of the skaven Space Cheese. There are rumors flying around that the dwarf fans had tried the old trick of burying cheese under the skaven team's dugout to distract the rat folk and that the tunneling had went a bit overboard. But those are just rumors and the fact is that the Stuntmen won also the casualties 1 to 0 and that the skaven linerat Will will miss the next Space Cheese game. That's all the games from week 4 folks! Let's take a quick look at the standings then. At the top there are 5 teams within two points of each other: BuzcaBass in the lead with 10 points, Wolf-Whistlers and DSS chasing the dwarfs with 9 points and Orkitis B.C. and Midget Stuntmen with 8 points. The middle of the table is also packed with 5 teams within a reasonable striking distance: FSB has 5 points, the three 4 point teams are green and chaotic - that is Crunch Masters, Disorganized Dudes and Bloody Gorers - and Space Cheese is sitting on 3 points. Shining Sins and Dragon Trainers both have 1 point so they really need to start winning some games soon. But everybody should remember that every team will still be playing for 21 points rest of the season so nothing is decided yet.
- That was lovely lunch. When does the after-lunch start?
- You're right Tall, I guess it's time for us to move onto next week! Let's start with the match that could shake the top of the table a bit. It is of course the match between the 1st and 3rd place, BuzcaBass hosting the Druchii Smuchii Schmoo. Dwarfs currently have only 10 players on their roster but they have more than enough money for some new players so they could go into the match with full strength. DSS is sure to have 11 players so there won't be any advantage due to number of players for both teams. DSS's Eviscarating Evilyn has proved that she can score, she already has 3 touchdowns. BuzcaBass players have split their touchdowns quite evenly but on the casualty inflicting side they have one dominating player, their troll slayer Anchalagon has already taken 3 opposing players out of the game. So what I'm getting at is that this will be test of scoring power versus hitting power - with both teams having proven success on both fronts. What's your opinion on the outcome of this match Tall?
- Dwarfs are closer to right height. They win. More apples here Nippy boy!
- Sticking to your theory I see. Well, let us continue with the player caliber close to your liking. The Midget Stuntmen will host Bloody Gorers. As mentioned, Gorers are missing one of their beastie boys while all the stuntmen are ready for their crash tests. And that's what this game will probably be. I'll say that the team that can inflict the most knock-downs and withstand the ones inflicted upon them takes the game. Tall?
- More wine! More chicken! Bring me another basket boy!
- ...All right Gall'p get in here! Looks like "Tall" is out...
- Dont'cha be putting any funny squiggly signs around my name you big ugly! I'll wollop you just as soon as I get up. *Grunt* *Aaaghh* Damn, my belly is stuck. Bring me more food Nippy boy! I'll have to try break the table with me tummy!
- ...out of commission. All right folks, our resident stats expert Gall'p Keines will be giving his opinion on the games from now on. What are your thoughts about this game Gall'p?
- Thanks mr. Grumbundy! Well, the dwarfs have the 17 percent edge in the chances of knocking down their opponents in most cases. And their guarding skills have also improved so...
- One wise word in that nonsense Gall'p, the dwarfs sure will guard the heck out of their ball carrier but you should also remember that not even a teenage boy in a women's lingerie shop is as horny as the chaos beastmen so the chaos will surely have at least a blitzer's chance. All right, the third game on my list is Gentlemen Wolf-Whistlers first home game where they'll host the Dragon Trainers. Trainers are missing one player and I'm not sure if they'll hire a new loud-mouthed beer-guzzling lineman or if they'll save up for some positional players. The necro team is still lacking in skills so the norse should have an advantage in blocking. Am I right Gall'p?
- Yes sir mr. Grumbundy! It's the same 17 percent edge as with the dwarfs but what you should consider is that the norse players are just as fragile as amazons or even skavens with a 41,666667 percent chance of injury when knocked...
- Why did you have to ruin a perfectly good analysis with that inane number of your Gall'p, you actually made sense until you started talking about Percy the Ent again. Don't you realize that he retired from the game when they closed up the halfling stadium where he was rooted to? HA-HA! Just kidding Gall'p, I do know that you were talking about the mathematical percyents!
- Ents? Do you have any Ent brew Nippy boy? Bring me some! My cousin Merri told me it's good for us tall folks! And some sandwiches also, I think the table will give out soon.
- On with the analysis! Next match is really a game of opposites. Fasta Stronga and Betta get a visit from Shining Sins so it'll be brute force against agile dodging! The elfs will probably enjoy having someone more fragile than them to beat on, that is if they have time and chance from all the dodging they should be doing to get away from the ogres! Nobody can ever predict how a game with an ogre team will go but I'm sure we'll see a lot of throwing in this matchup - it's just that the other team will be tossing the ball and the another one probably their own players. Give us some your opinion Gall'p!
- Well as you said mr. Grumbundy, the Ogres have the ever present 17 percent chance of failing...
- I already told you last time Gall'p, the right term is dumb as doornails.
- Thank you for correcting mr. Grumbundy, they have the ever present 17 percent chance of being dumb as doornails.
- So the game will be decided if the elfs remember to bring a hammer with them! HA-HA! I slay myself. All-righty, what's next. Yes, the double c game that is Cheese and Chaos - Space Cheese versus Disorganized Dudes. Or the match of the mutated as some might call this one. Anyways, hopefully the skaven folk will find a solution to their troubles with their home stadium and we'll see good old dodge-fest that the skaven games tend to be. The formula for this game really should be simple, little rats dodge away while the big rats try to hold their own against the beastie boys with the biggest rat of them all trying to tie as many chaos players down with his tail as he can. Any wise words on this Gall'p?
- Percentage wise the advantage for chaos should be 1...
- I should've known you're out of wise, well, let me know if you think of anything clever. One more game to go and that really promises to be a slug-fest extreme! Green versus green and black against black! It's the all-orc-affair Orkitis B.C. versus Crunch Masters! Should be a really exciting game. As I told you earlier Orkitis's thrower Morkzla will sit this one out but the Orkitis still have a full team of 11 players on their roster. Crunch Masters have 12 players but only three BOBs against the Orkitis four. But wait! the Crunch Masters' black ork Grubak Break'Teef has been hitting the gym extra-hard lately and they say he has actually grown some new muscles nobody's ever heard of! So the even BOBs of the Orkitis have to rely on their team-mates help to get even an even chance against this big brute!
- You right mr. G...
- Don't interrupt me Gall'p! I'm on a roll, in the zone, the words will flow! Yes siree! This promises to be feast for all of you who've tired of the sissy passing games, fearful dodging and aimless running! This is the game where you should see bold bashing, gleeful blocking and well-aimed blitzing! Fists striking noses, kicks broking bones, elbows tickling rib cages and even teeth tearing on earlobes! This is what Blood Bowl should be about! Big brutes standing tall and hitting each other until one goes down!
- They're too tall. *BUUUUUURPP* Excuse me. Another pint Nippy! And a basket too! The table will give out soon, I can already hear rumbling... Oh wait, that's me stomach. Seems I haven't fed it enough. I've probably talked too much, it's just that me tummy thinks that every time I open my mouth there is something coming down my throat so this magicast thingy with all this talking really doesn't agree with my belly. But you do have good food so I don't mind coming again.
- .... And there goes my flow... Unfortunately I have to tell you Tall that our kitchen seems to be running out of supplies for some curious reason. And we're running out time folks! But fear not! We'll be back in about a  week with the recap all the games from week 5. I've been Gron Grumbundy and I wish you bloody good Blood Bowling week! Have a week!

NUL Season 5! / Re: NUL Match Day 5 - Matches
December 31, 2011, 02:48:29 PM
All Right Mr B., time to see if one norse werewolf really is a match for two ordinaly w-wolves.

Unfortunately we'll have to wait a bit because I'm not able to play until next year ;)  Here are my OK starting times (CET):
- tomorrow, that is Sunday 14-18
- Tuesday 15-20
- Wednesday 18-20
- Thursday 16-19

Rest of the week is still a bit hazy, I'll let you know about those times later, if needed.

NUL Season 5! / NUL Match Day 5 - Matches
December 31, 2011, 02:41:53 PM
New year, new match day:

Before leaving to visit the family for Christmas, I just wanted to wish everybody happy holidays. Have a nice christmas, eat well, rest and maybe even sing some christmas songs like the old classic about the famous minotaur blitzer of the well known Chaos Dwarf team from far north:

You know Crasher and Masher and Bouncer and Vixen,
Mamer and Stupid and Donner and Blitzen,
But do you recall?
The most famous minotaur of all?

Rudolph, the red-nosed minotaur
had a very shiny nose.
And if you ever saw him,
you would even say it glows.

All of the other minotaur
used to laugh and call him names.
They never let poor Rudolph
join in Blood Bowl games.

Then one foggy prematch fray
Sam "da claws" came to say:
"Rudolph with your nose so bright,
won't you guide my blitz tonight?"

Then all the minotaurs loved him
as they shouted out with glee,
Rudolph the red-nosed minotaur,
you'll go down in history!